Re:ThinkPad USB-C gen 2 Dock Firmware disappeared! Lenovo Dock Manager does not work on this model, error message : System is not connected to dock repository And link is broken ! First link OK
Re:Lenovo USBC 2 Dock Gen 2 Firmware Update Broke DP HUB version firmware No, as i mentioned in the original post. The lenovo vantage applying the latest firmware is what broke my docking station. The firmware it tried to update my dock with did not work and now it...
The DP and HDMI on the dock are not working, so I performed a factory reset on the dock and updated the firmware. All cables have been disconnected except for the power cable and the USB-C cable connected to the laptop. However, now I'm encountering an issue with "DP hub ...
Laptop: ThinkPad T14 Gen 1 (20UDCTO1WW) UEFI Version: 1.34 Docking Station: ThinkPad USB-C Dock Gen2 (40AS) Firmware Version: v1.0.8.03231 Distribution: Arch Linux (5.14.15-arch1-1) Issue Description: When using the network port of the docking station I regularly lose the...
Hello there, I want to update some of our ThinkPad USB-C Dock Gen 2 - Type 40AS docking station to a newer firmware but it seems that the webpage is missing to download it :
ThinkPad USB -C Dock Gen 2 - 概述和維修零件 這份文件為翻譯程式自動翻譯結果,請點選以下連結流灠英文版文件內容。 概述和特點 驅動程序和軟件 指南和手冊 技術規格 物理規格、操作環境 機構批准 操作系統要求 裝運組 保修單 硬件要求 零件號 注意:根據外圍設備的處理能力、文件屬性以及其他與系統配置和操作環境...
Re:USB-C Dock Gen 2 does not detect HDMI monitor I'm having the same issue. The HDMI does not work plugged into the dock, but works when connecting into the laptop. I have the latest drivers, firmware, and windows updates. Quick replyReply1 ...
My ThinkPad USB-C Dock Gen 2 working pretty good with my desktop (with Thunderbolt port) except for the internet connection issue. Everytime, when my PC is restarted, the internet connection is gone. To get it back, I have to unplug power cable o...
ThinkPad Thunderbolt 3 Dock Gen 2 and USB-C Dock Gen 2 firmware package update fails caused by Intel video driver. Issue has been solved by Intel graphics driver update.
ThinkPad USB -C Dock Gen 2 - 概述和維修零件 这是机器翻译的文章,请单击此处查看原始英文版本。 概述和特點 驅動程序和軟件 指南和手冊 技術規格 物理規格、操作環境 機構批准 操作系統要求 裝運組 保修單 硬件要求 零件號 注意:根據外圍設備的處理能力、文件屬性以及其他與系統配置和操作環境相關的因素等諸多因...