Lenovo ThinkPad T480s 商务笔电最高搭载Intel第八代Core i7 vPro处理器、24GB DDR4内存、1TB OPAL2 M.2 SSD固态硬盘,以及与T480相同的NVIDIA GeForce MX150 with 2GB GDDR5显卡等硬件规格配置。今天就来和大家
As standard, the ThinkPad T480s has a match-on-chip fingerprint reader, anti-spoofing technology that authenticates log-in credentials and helps safeguards your data, and ThinkShutter, a webcam cover that you can open and close. This sli...
Financing as low as 0%✅ Price Match Guarantee✅ Free Shipping✅ Shop the ThinkPad T480s, a 14 inch, powerful work from home & business laptop, long battery life plus productivity-enhancing & security features.
ThinkPad T480s 的標準配備包含晶片相符指紋辨識器、可驗證登入認證與協助保護資料的反詐騙技術,以及可以開啟與關閉的網路攝影機鏡頭蓋 ThinkShutter。這款 14 吋薄型全備筆記型電腦也具備整合式全球 LTE-A 功能,讓您不論有無 WiFi,都能在世界各地保持連線。
Learn more about the ThinkPad T480s, a 14 inch light, thin but powerful business laptop with a 17hr-long battery, plus security and productivity-enhancing features.
The build is solid, as you'd expect with a ThinkPad. There is some flex in the lid, but not enough to make me fear for its safety in a travel bag. Nor is the weight, at 1.31kg, anything to worry about. As a 14-inch laptop, the T480s does need a reasonably sized bag, but ...
新一代T系将于近期开启预售,ThinkPad T480售价989美元(约6430元)起,T480s售价1269美元(约8250元)起,T580售价1079美元(约7010元)起。 打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片 外观造型维持不变,全素黑低调沉稳,依旧是经典TP风格,不过相比纤薄的X系列,该系更适合纯办公场合需要。ThinkPad T480是常规14英寸笔电,而ThinkPad T4...
苏宁易购为您提供联想(Lenovo)联想(Lenovo)小新Air15 15.6英寸笔记本(I7-8550U 8G 256GB 2G独显 w10 金色)轻薄本和Lenovo/联想/ThinkPad T480S 14英寸笔记本电脑 I7-8650U 2G独显 WQHD屏 16G内存+512G PCIE固态硬盘参数对比,让您了解联想(Lenovo)联想(Lenovo)小新Air
苏宁易购为您提供联想(Lenovo)ThinkPad T490服务器/工作站和Lenovo/联想/ThinkPad T480S 14英寸笔记本电脑 移动工作站 I7-8550U 2G独显 WQHD屏8G内存+512G PCIE固态硬盘参数对比,让您了解联想(Lenovo)ThinkPad T490服务器/工作站和Lenovo/联想/ThinkPad T480S 14英寸笔记本