Ultra-fast and very secure, the ThinkPad WiGig Dock (optional) can connect effortlessly, wirelessly, and instantly to your T470 and all its peripherals, such as a monitor or backup storage device. Simply place your laptop within six feet of the dock and it will do the rest. As well as...
求助:T470P安装..求助,T470P今日恢复了一次出厂设置(但保留了文件),恢复后,安装lenove vantage,安装后就发觉在电源管理那里,没有了阀值设置,只有如下界面的设置:在系统更新那里也是不正常:试了卸载le
About your ThinkPad T470 (2.5 Drive Only) Memory Storage System notes Upgrade advice Your computer's memory capability: Slots: 2 (2 banks of 1) Maximum memory: 32GB Standard memory: 8GB removable All compatible upgrades DRAM Internal SSD ...
2. Storage As most 14-inch laptops, the ThinkPad T470 has just one M.2 PCIe NVMe-enabled slot and you can’t insert a 2.5-inch drive. The former obstructs the latter. Anyway, our unit came with a Samsung PM961 512GB M.2 PCIe NVMe SSD. ...
My ThinkPad T470s has a processor (Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6300U CPU @ 2.40GHz 2.50 GHz) that currently is not supported. Are there anything that I can do to make it compatible for a Windovs 11 update? I red some where that it could be possible to make an uppgrade of the pr...
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T470在超薄设计的基础上,工程师依然坚守了1.8mm的键程,为了能让繁重的输入工作平添几分舒适和从容。定位商务用途的ThinkPad T系列的键盘手感,ThinkPad已经是全系中的极品了。 ThinkPad T470的按键反馈感很饱满,而且几乎没有任何敲击声音,静音效果佳,不需要担心专心的工作会吵扰到旁边的同事。键帽表面的轻微下凹更是...
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