Tech Specs Ports & Slots Compatible Accessories Compare Similar Products ReviewsPerformance You Can Count On With the responsiveness and efficiency of 6th generation Intel® Core™ processors, the Lenovo ThinkPad T470s lets you switch effortlessly between your ...
ThinkPad T470 New Options Available 14”robust laptop with cutting-edge technology Powerful processing, a superb operating system All day battery life Solid-state storage and secure fingerprint reading Supports portability and business ready professionals...
其次,Lenovo产品里面不是有个ThinkPad系列么,不是神一样的存在么,IBM的传承,日本的设计,一流的品质,经典的商务本,经典的小红点,经典的小黑,**的利器。这个必须值得买,信仰加持。。。况且,ThinkPad T系列还是全球联保,维修灰常方便。。。后来这个信仰也被粉碎,脸被打的啪啪响。。。这就是我当时买之前的理由:国...
首先要交代的是自己再这之前电脑只是略知一二,买电脑,选电脑是一个不断学习过程,(电脑要学的太多,这个太难了)几个月前才知道显卡有独显跟核显,接触了ThinkPad 才知道硬盘有sata跟M.2,才知道英特尔的酷睿都出到第7代了,才知道还有标压,低压,低功耗之分。
ThinkPad T470p(12CD)14英寸笔记本电脑(i5-7300HQ 8G 500G 2G独显 背光键盘FHD Win10) ¥9499 去购买 走的转运中国,以为贵有贵的理由,其实并不是这样 IWS成功注册用户是靠实力吐槽转运中国。投机倒把省下的300块税最终还是交给了淘宝职业卖家,只为那一纸税单。
传闻半年之久的“25周年纪念版ThinkPad”终于尘埃落定,昨晚Lenovo(联想)在日本大和实验室(Yamato Labs)正式发布了这款万众瞩目的产品,命名为ThinkPad Anniversary Edition 25(25周年纪念版)。这款特别版是为了纪念ThinkPad诞生至今25年辉煌历程而打造,基于T470原型机打造,尽可能的复刻经典Tp的设计元素,如7行键盘、蓝色回...
Buy Lenovo ThinkPad T470s Windows 7 Pro LTE 4G Laptop - Intel Core i5-6300U, 20GB RAM, 256GB PCIe NVMe SSD, 14" IPS FHD (1920x1080) Matte Display, Fingerprint Reader, Black Color with fast shipping and top-rated customer service. Newegg shopping upgraded
The ThinkPad T470s includes Intel Thunderbolt 3—the technology that brings lightning-fast Thunderbolt to USB-C at speeds up to 40 Gbps. Connect a cable from your USB-C port to a Thunderbolt 3-enabled device, and get f...
The ThinkPad T470s includes Intel Thunderbolt 3—the technology that brings lightning-fast Thunderbolt to USB-C at speeds up to 40 Gbps. Connect a cable from your USB-C port to a Thunderbolt 3-enabled device, and get fou...