ThinkPad T470 New Options Available 14”robust laptop with cutting-edge technology Powerful processing, a superb operating system All day battery life Solid-state storage and secure fingerprint reading Supports portability and business ready professionals...
其次,Lenovo产品里面不是有个ThinkPad系列么,不是神一样的存在么,IBM的传承,日本的设计,一流的品质,经典的商务本,经典的小红点,经典的小黑,**的利器。这个必须值得买,信仰加持。。。况且,ThinkPad T系列还是全球联保,维修灰常方便。。。后来这个信仰也被粉碎,脸被打的啪啪响。。。这就是我当时买之前的理由:国...
详细参数 系列:联想(Lenovo)ThinkpadT470 系列 型号:联想(Lenovo)Thinkpad T470 产品定位:家庭办公,性价比机,商用电脑 操作系统:Windows10 CPU型号:I5-6200U CPU主频:2.3GHzGHz 内存类型:DDR4 插槽数量:2个 最大支持内存:32GB热门推荐 ¥1188.00· 新三星官12英寸Mate Pura平板电脑16G+128G 骁龙8+全网通5G...
T470s Shipping Shipping solutions for the selected quantity are currently unavailable Send Inquiry Chat now Secure payments Every payment you make on is secured with strict SSL encryption and PCI DSS data protection protocols Easy Return & Refund ...
现在的ThinkPad,早就已经不是过去的ThinkPad了,但是,现在的ThinkPad依然被很多人喜欢,依然被很多公司青睐,一说要换本,首选还是ThinkPad 申请换本,公司就给发了一台ThinkPad,仔细一看是T470 之前蘑菇在办公室一直都使用自己的X230,装了固态,办办公什么的,接个大显示器用着也挺舒服的,现在有了新本子,感觉就更...
Buy Lenovo ThinkPad T470s Windows 10 Pro LTE 4G Laptop - Intel Core i7-7500U, 12GB RAM, 256GB PCIe NVMe SSD, 14" IPS WQHD (2560x1440) Matte Display, Fingerprint Reader, Smart Card Reader, Black Color with fast shipping and top-rated customer service. New
Processor Type core_i7Lenovo ThinkPad T470s Touch Windows 7 Pro Laptop - Intel Core i7-7600U, 8GB RAM, 1TB SSD, 14" IPS FHD (1920x1080) Matte Touchscreen, Fingerprint Reader, Smart Card Reader, Black Color core_i7Lenov...
Buy Lenovo ThinkPad T470s Windows 7 Pro LTE 4G Laptop - Intel Core i5-6300U, 20GB RAM, 256GB PCIe NVMe SSD, 14" IPS FHD (1920x1080) Matte Display, Fingerprint Reader, Black Color with fast shipping and top-rated customer service. Newegg shopping upgraded
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Notebook/Laptop Maximum Resolution 1920x1080 Additional Product Features Custom Bundle No 显示更多内容 显示较少内容 此商品的所有物品刊登 物品刊登类型: 立即购买 物品状况: 二手 物品4 Lenovo ThinkPad T470 14'' (256GB, Intel Core i5-6300U, 2.60 GHz, 8GB) 20HGS27Y0VLenovo ThinkPad T470 14'' ...