评分详细 商品评价: 4.7 高 物流履约: 4.5 中 售后服务: 4.8 高 手机下单 进店逛逛|关注店铺 关注对比 企业购更优惠 联想(LENOVO) ThinkPad T470 T480 原装笔记本电池 A285 A475 01AV420 01AV419 01AV489 内置 外置电池 内置电池24WH 01AV423 SB ...
I bought a used Lenovo Thinkpad T470, and it only has external battery with it. As I have researched it could also have internal battery, which my laptop doesn't have. The problem is that I can only use my device when it is plugged to the charger, o...
其次,Lenovo产品里面不是有个ThinkPad系列么,不是神一样的存在么,IBM的传承,日本的设计,一流的品质,经典的商务本,经典的小红点,经典的小黑,**的利器。这个必须值得买,信仰加持。。。况且,ThinkPad T系列还是全球联保,维修灰常方便。。。后来这个信仰也被粉碎,脸被打的啪啪响。。。这就是我当时买之前的理由:国...
The interesting thing here is that the external battery is the first one to drain and the second one to charge after plugging the T470. This is a practical solution especially if you are willing to spend a little extra for an additional battery for this laptop. Lenovo is also...
T470s doesn't have any replaceable/external battery, so I'm confused by your post. I guess you might be talking about T470 or some other system with 1 internal battery and 1 replacable/external battery. In that case, the design is: the battery with the least wear will be disch...
My T470 running Windows 10 (mostly, Linux from a USB key occasionally) runs down battery 1 without using battery 2 at all. I have never run a battery all the way down. For instance, right now it is 35% and 95%. powercfg shows battery 1 as the...
求助:T470P安装..求助,T470P今日恢复了一次出厂设置(但保留了文件),恢复后,安装lenove vantage,安装后就发觉在电源管理那里,没有了阀值设置,只有如下界面的设置:在系统更新那里也是不正常:试了卸载le
I understand that your ThinkPad T470s' is not utilizing battery#2. Are you still using the original battery that came with the machine? Here are a few steps you can try: -Remove all external peripherals -Reload the BIOS default settings ...
报价 问答 排行 相似 热卖 优惠 可参加以下优惠活动 实名有礼 实名认证领苏宁支付券 详细参数 品牌:联想(Lenovo)型号:THINKPAD T470产品类型:笔记本扩展坞 颜色:黑色适用机型:其他产品接口:其它 尺寸(长×宽×高):23*25毫米重量:1千克开票单位:个 身边苏宁 ...