Firmware (bios) currently available in LVFS: 1.64 Device homepage on LVFS: The newest firmware (bios) currently available from vendor: 1.65 Since: 11 Nov 2020 Recommended Bios update available as ...
You can use the ISO to burn a CD to use in an external drive. Another option is to use the provided tool to make a bootable USB flash drive. I've just taken a look and verified that the tool is present in the T470p BIOS exe file...
Re:T470s bricked after BIOS update I did that but they ( / would charge like 350-400 € for flashing the BIOS (and EC if necessary) which is a pretty ridiculous price - even if the device would be worth more than that . Which i...
在ThinkPad BIOS 设置界面中,分为上下两部分,上半部分包含Config、Date/time、Security、Startup、...
事到如今,我的T470也不修了,我就体验体格不完整的ThinkPad算了。这个时间也让我彻底的看清楚了Lenovo的嘴脸,但是还有些逻辑我实在想不通,如下: (1)既然你Lenovo数据库里面可以根据机器的序列号查到机器的出厂日期,维修记录;为啥我在维修时候还要提供一系列的证据呢。你要我证明什么?证明买的晚了,维修期可以更后...
求助:T470P安装..求助,T470P今日恢复了一次出厂设置(但保留了文件),恢复后,安装lenove vantage,安装后就发觉在电源管理那里,没有了阀值设置,只有如下界面的设置:在系统更新那里也是不正常:试了卸载le
【傲雪技术分享】Le..提到“Lenovo Diagnostics”,傲雪想,一些朋友应该不会陌生了。到ThinkPad笔记本当中,最早是2013年的产品里开始出现,它是存储在CMOS芯片当中,与BIOS一起。而今日傲雪访问
USB BIOS Support USB在BIOS中的支持项[设置为Disabled后无法从USB设备(例:带USB接口的U盘,移动硬盘,...
x 一块Lenovo ThinkPad T470P NM-B071主板加电不触发此版无图纸,但版型与NM-A611非常相似,电路中...
Re:Request - Update official BIOS to give CPU advanced settings menu access for HX-series models You're welcome! We appreciate your proactive approach in providing feedback. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any more suggestions or ...