The ThinkPad T460 keyboard Up to 6thGen Intel®Core™ i7 processor The new standard for PC performance has arrived with Intel®6thGen Core™ processors. This blazing fast, feature-packed processor family with built-in security is ready to take your...
The ThinkPad T460 keyboard. Power Performer PC performance has never been faster. Intel® 6th Gen Core™ i processors with built-in security are designed to take your productivity, creativity, and 3D gaming to the next level. Intel® vPro Technology makes enterprise-level manageability even ...
The ThinkPad T460 keyboard. Power Performer PC performance has never been faster. Intel®6thGen Core™ i processors with built-in security are designed to take your productivity, creativity, and 3D gaming to the next level. Intel®vPro Technology makes enterprise-level manageability even more ...
ThinkPad T460和T560分别使用14英寸和15.6英寸屏幕,前者最高可以选择2560×1440分辨率,后者最高只能选择1080P,均为反眩光屏幕,且可选触屏。续航方面,加上扩展电池之后,T460最高续航时间14小时,T560为16小时。其他配置方面则基本一致,均采用第六代Skylake-U平台酷睿处理器,最高i7,内存容量最大32GB,存储方面可以选择机...
ThinkPad T460s award-winning keyboard Work at the Speed of Wireless Move data between your laptop and other devices quickly with USB 3.0 — it's up to 10 times faster than previous USB technologies and backward-compatible with USB 2.0. For true mobility, configure your laptop with WWAN connect...
ThinkPad联想E16 2023款16英寸超强性能 轻薄 商务办公笔记本电脑 Lenovo/联想品牌 7天包换 ¥3648.0 深圳市日进鑫科技有限公司11年 批发电脑 T450/T460笔记本电商务办公便携手提14寸 48小时发货支付宝 ¥760.0月销3台 深圳市禹亿科技有限公司2年 14寸N4000简约笔记本电脑批发手提学生网课超薄本轻薄办公商用 ...
Replacement parts for your Lenovo ThinkPad T460 to fix your broken laptop! iFixit has you covered with parts, tools, and free repair guides. Repair with confidence! All of our replacement parts are tested to rigorous standards and backed by our industry-leading warranty. ...
ThinkPad在线商城 - ThinkWorld官方网站 去看看 联想商城 天猫商城 ThinkPad T460s 20F9A0-34CD i5 192G固态硬盘联想笔记本电脑 ¥8299 去购买 旗舰店 封口的封条,对于强迫症患者这个很重要。 打开箱子就是这个样子。
Lenovo 联想 Thinkpad T460 14寸笔记本电脑,采用第6代Skylake i7-6600U处理器,核显为HD Graphics 520,比上代的HD5500略有提升,8GB RAM,256GB SSD,14寸1920x1080 IPS屏幕,含有三个USB3.0,4合1读卡器,网口、HDMI接口等齐全,重量约3.28lb,整体配置可满足日常商务使用。 什么值得买是一家中立的消费门户网站,好价...
详细参数 品牌:联想(Lenovo) 系列:ThinkPad T460 系列 型号:ThinkPad T460 产品定位:家庭办公,影音娱乐,学生用机,性价比机,商用电脑 操作系统:Windows10 CPU型号:I7-6500U CPU主频:2.3GHz睿频至2.8GHzGHz 内存类型:DDR3 插槽数量:2个热门推荐 ¥6267.00· 惠普(HP)光影精灵11 高性能游戏笔记本电脑2025新品13...