Durable and Reliable: This laptop keyboard is designed to be a long-lasting replacement for Lenovo ThinkPad T440, T440s, T440p, L450, T450s, and T460, ensuring seamless performance and functionality. Wireless Connectivity: With a USB 3.0 interface, this keyboard allows for easy connection to yo...
If keys are unresponsive or the whole keyboard is unresponsive you will most likely need to replace the keyboard for your Lenovo ThinkPad T440p. Replacing the keyboard can be quite tedious but will mainly consist of unscrewing screws and using your spudger to lift and remove cables. When removi...
联想(Lenovo) ThinkPad笔记本键盘 键盘 键盘笔记本内置键 T440P T450 T460 L460 L470图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
The ThinkPad T440P is a top performer, designed to win. It can be used by IT professionals, and by many other small and medium business needs. It is also a hit for personal usage. This highly innovative corporate workhorse is power-packed with advanced features like; ...
ThinkPad联想(lenovo)笔记本键盘 笔记本内置键盘 T431S T440 T440S T440P 昭阳K2450 立即查看 店铺 极川(JRC)京东自营旗舰店京东自营 今天伟业电脑配件专营店 评价 97%好评度 方便快捷洁净力强功能齐全简单方便 累计评价0 条 92%好评度 累计评价0 条
Own it Now, Pay Later with Zip✅ Free Shipping✅ Price Match✅ Performance, efficiency and durability make the T440p the corporate laptop workhorse that sets the benchmark.
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