ThinkPad T440p The ThinkPad T440p is one of the options available noted for its 16GB Max7 / PC3-12800 1600 MHz DDR3L design providing plenty of memory for nearly all business applications. It also features an M.2 Solid State Drive with an M.2 Card Slot exclusive with a WWAN card in ...
个人感觉:我用I5六代标压处理器(绝对)够用了,升i7加1000多不说,发热更严重,电池更大,感觉不划算。IPS 1080是必须的,太高怕眼瞎,显卡港行要比美行给力很多,集显加独显,内存起就是8G,硬盘选了7000r的机械硬盘,准备自己换SSD或者是双硬盘,背光键盘(拉轰)。96折的话合计下来自己负担得起 三、Thinkpad T460p开箱...
看网上的T440P晒单基本都是联想祖传的低分屏,这块居然是FHD的IPS... 让散热器High起来...温度OK,噪音不大! 就这分数,够用就行,毕竟不是游戏本... 拆解&加内存 T440P应该算得上是ThinkPad系列里面最好拆的了吧,松两颗螺丝就能卸下整个底板...想想之前扣小米笔记本的痛苦... 虽然主板基本还是看不见,但能换...
美国亚马逊 Lenovo ThinkPad T440p 14" Business (Intel i7-4810MQ, 8GB RAM, 1TB HDD) - Best HD Windows 7 Professional Work Notebook Laptop Computer: Computers & Accessories历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Lenovo Thinkpad T440p 20AN0069US 14
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The T Series has been built to provide quality performance for serious business users who need a reliable option when they are on the go. When you consider the ThinkPad T450 vs T450s or other models like the Lenovo T440P, you are sure to see that there are a lot of features to count...
The T Series has been built to provide quality performance for serious business users who need a reliable option when they are on the go. When you consider the ThinkPad T450 vs T450s or other models like the Lenovo T440P, you are sure to see that there are a lot of features to count...
The T Series has been built to provide quality performance for serious business users who need a reliable option when they are on the go. When you consider the ThinkPad T450 vs T450s or other models like the Lenovo T440P, you are sure to see that there are a lot of features to count...
Lenovo ThinkPad T440p 14" HD+ LED Laptop" - Intel Core i7 4600M 2.9GHz, 8GB Ram, 240 SSD, 14" HD+ LED, Cam, BT, FPR Bk Lit Key, DVD-RW, 9 Cell, Nvidia GeForce GT 730M, Win 7 Pro 64, 3 Year Depot" #20AN009CUS
2,T440P这个性能很强,看中I74700QM+1080p屏幕的,不过价格不菲啊,港行也要9K以上。 3,T440S这个也还可以,主板自带4G内存,另外提供一根内存插槽,不过港行I5的1080P屏幕基本上也要7K以上了,而我的预算在6K左右,所以只能pass。 然后我就打3代二手的主意了。首选X230,其次是独显的T430,T530只能备选了。在淘宝上...