A ThinkPad laptop deal! The only thing better than a sleek, powerful ThinkPad laptop is a ThinkPad laptop that’s on sale. For years, whether you’re looking for a business laptop or a home use computer, you’ve been trained to believe the world’s best technology never goes on sale ...
Low prices on all ThinkPad Laptop Series With Lenovo, you don’t have to settle for a low-end laptop just to save money. Depending on what’s offered in each ThinkPad sale, the low-price deals on this page stretch across the entire ThinkPad line, including the ultra-popular Lenovo ThinkPa...
Trademarks: IdeaPad, Lenovo, Lenovo Legion, ThinkPad, ThinkCentre, ThinkStation, Yoga, the Lenovo logo and the Lenovo Legion logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Lenovo. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Ultrabook, Celeron, Cele...
ThinkPad X13 Gen 5 Intel (13″) - Black 4.5 (56) Est Value $2,439.00 $1,341.45 45% off $112/mo suggested paymentsw/12 mopromo financing See How Prequalify Use eCouponTHINKBIGSALE eCoupon limited to 5 units Compact, lightweight 13.3″ work-from-anywhere business laptop ...
ThinkPad X13 Gen 5 Intel (13″) - Black 4.4 (41) Est Value $2,409.00 $1,324.95 45% off $111/mo suggested paymentsw/12 mopromo financing See How Prequalify Use eCouponTHINKWINTERSALE Compact, lightweight 13.3″ work-from-anywhere business laptop ...
開學優惠 | 購買指定電腦可享高達 40% 折扣! EDU 獨家:ThinkPad X1 Carbon G11 NT$36,002 起學生優惠 依類型探索 小型尺寸 一體成型 袖珍型尺寸 根據價格選購 NT$10,000 - NT$19,999.99 NT$20,000 - NT$29,999.99 依品牌檢視全部 查看全部|了解更多 ...
面對壓力,Lenovo ThinkBook 15 Gen 4 (15 吋 Intel) 筆記簿型電腦處之泰然—裝置最高搭載第 12 代 Intel®Core™ 處理器與另購雙重 SSD 儲存裝置,容量高達 2TB,足以應對您一切運算需求;此外,智能冷卻功能可調整風扇速度、散熱容量與電池續航力,即使頻繁使用,系統仍能正常運行,順暢無比!
是的,父親節禮物推薦折扣活動包括針對具有高解析度螢幕、快速處理器和充足儲存空間的工作站和筆記型電腦的父親節禮物推薦折扣,例如非常適合影片編輯的 ThinkPad X1 Extreme 和 Legion 系列。查看優惠詳情,了解有哪些型號可供選擇。 Lenovo父親節禮物推薦折扣期間遊戲玩家可以期待哪些優惠? 遊戲玩家可以期待高性能遊戲筆記型...
ThinkPad X13 Gen 5 Intel (13″) - Black 4.5 (51) Est Value $2,439.00 $1,341.45 45% off $112/mo suggested payments w/12 mo promo financing See How Prequalify Use eCoupon THINKFEB2SALE eCoupon limited to 5 units Compact, lightweight 13.3″ work-from-anywhere business laptop ...
ThinkPad X13 Gen 5 Intel (13″) - Black 4.5 (54) Est Value $2,089.00 $1,148.95 45% off $96/mo suggested paymentsw/12 mopromo financing See How Prequalify Use eCouponTHINKBIGSALE eCoupon limited to 5 units Compact, lightweight 13.3″ work-from-anywhere business laptop ...