提供全天候電池續航力,讓生產力和創造力從不間斷。而且,在一整天的活動結束之後您需要充電的時候,Rapid Charge Express 快速充電技術讓您可以在幾分鐘內即可繼續使用。還有豐富的連線能力,可以快速傳輸檔案、連接到其他裝置,以及同時為其他裝置充電。 從內而外的永續性...
Super RapidCharge Express 電源旁通模式 電池優化支援 一舉一動,盡在掌握 Legion Go 的霍爾效應控制桿開創 RGB 燈效先河,自當遠遠拋離傳統控制桿!而且,控制桿飄搖不定的日子已成過去—由此刻起,控制力度更持久、更靈敏,全新 Legion TrueStrike 可拆式控制器專為舒適精確體驗而設,備有防滑紋理、可配對控制鍵及整...
有多種顏色來供您選擇以彰顯個性:優雅的月暈灰或自然風格的潮水綠。同時也包含您重新打造工作空間所需的連線能力:透過 SD 讀卡機擴充您的儲存空間,以 HDMI 連接螢幕或使用 Intel®Thunderbolt™ 4.0 傳輸照片和影片。高容量電池可透過 Rapid Charge Express 快速充電,永遠不用擔心沒電。
10For Rapid Charge Express, charge for 15 minutes in standby mode or while powered off for up to three hours of video playback based on test results using continuous 1080p video playback on the latest update of Windows 10 and up (with 150 nits brightness and default volume level). Actual...
Super Rapid Charge Express 電源旁路模式 電池最佳化支援 掌握一舉一動 Legion Go 的霍爾效應搖桿開創先河採用 RGB 燈光,將傳統搖桿抛在身後。告別搖桿偏移,迎接反應靈敏、持久耐用的控制裝置。可分離的 Legion TrueStrike 控制器採用兼具舒適和精準的設計,具有防滑紋理、可對應控制按鍵和整合式軌跡板等功能。從 PC 順...
charge express and keep gaming with power bypass mode when plugged in. eliminate heat concerns with thermal throttling, and enjoy our battery optimization support for extended sessions. 49.2whr battery capacity super rapid charge express power bypass mode battery optimization support master every move ...
在電量變低時,您可以運用 Rapid Charge Express 的快速充電功能,在 15 分鐘內補足可以用兩個小時的電池電量。您還可以運用多種連接埠來連接各種配件、高解析度螢幕以及外接儲存裝置等等。 只說Hello 就一見鐘情 Yoga 7 2 合 1 筆電的 2MP FHD 紅外線攝影機不但讓您可以在 Windows...
And when the power does go low, Rapid Charge Express increases battery life with a zap of just 15 minutes. So you can get back up and running right off the bat. It also packs a powerful array of ports such as USB-C, HDMI 2.1 TMDS, and Micro SD for connecting accessories, high-...
Rapid issue resolution to help where you need it. Premier Support Get direct access to Lenovo technicians who provide quick and seamless support. Resolve Issues Premier Support Plus Maximize the ROI from your device fleet and prevent issues before they arise. ...
Push your battery life to its max and embrace the industry-shaking Super Rapid Charge. Charge up your 60Whr battery in a heartbeat—from 0 to 30% in 10 minutes, 0 to 70% in 30 minutes, and 0 to 100% in 80 minutes. With support for powerful 140W charging via USB-C, you'll have...