店铺热销 热门关注 商品介绍 规格与包装 售后保障 商品评价 本店好评商品 品牌:联想(Lenovo) 商品名称:联想(Lenovo)Precision Pen 2 商品编号:10066713916170 店铺:a axon_us海外官方旗舰店 货号:FBA-B-Lenovo&012 类型:其他 更多参数>> 商品介绍加载中......
hi, there, i just bought precision pen 2 (2023) for p11 gen 2. But I did not find user guide. Could you please tell me how to turn it on/off? Do I need to pair through Bluetooth? if so, which button to press to pair? Also how to configure two buttons on the pen, and how ...
For those who need a versatile stylus to interact with designs, artwork or documents, the Lenovo Precision Pen 2 (Laptop) is a welcome companion. With 4,096 levels of pressure sensitivity, traditional pens and pencils are no comparison.
Re:Lenovo precision pen 2(2023) not working HelloDogg2567, Welcome to the Lenovo Community! I'm sorry to read that you're having difficulties pairing the Precision Pen 2 on your 3rd Gen Tab M10 Plus tablet. May I ask, were you able to successfully pair the pen before? If yes...
Lenovo Precision Pen - 概述和維修零件 这是机器翻译的文章,请单击此处查看原始英文版本。 Lenovo精密筆提供業界領先的 4096 級壓力靈敏度,可實現自然書寫和素描,並具有 400 天的電池壽命和三個可配置的快捷按鈕,以提高工作效率。對於專業和有抱負的藝術家來說, Lenovo精密筆還可以識別傾斜度,為繪畫和繪畫提供逼真...
With 4,096 levels of pressure and tilt detection, the Lenovo Precision affords users the highest level of precision and control as they sketch or just take notes.
The Lenovo Precision Pen 2 provides an industry-leading 4096 levels of pressure sensitivity for natural writing and sketching, along with up to 150 of usage and two short-cut buttons to enhance productivity. The Lenovo Precision Pen 2 (Laptop) also recognizes degrees of tilt for lifelike shading...
手感上Pen pro要更轻快一些,precision pen2笔身为全金属,更有分量。看个人喜好吧。 Precision pen2包装里带了保护套和一个替换笔头,Pen pro由于是工装,只给了一个数据线。 在功能相差无几的情况下,有国行版本的precision pen2 在价格、质保、配件上都占上风,因此最后还是选择了小新触控笔一代(充电版)。
Lenovo Precision Pen - 概述和維修零件 Lenovo Precision Pen - 概述和維修零件此資訊是否對您有幫助? Your feedback helps to improve the overall experience 是無文件ID:ACC500201 原始發布日期:02/25/2021 Last Modified Date:04/07/2024保持聯繫 我們對環境的承諾 了解我們全球發展現狀 關於聯想 我們的...
Lenovo Precision Pen - 概述和維修零件此資訊是否對您有幫助? Your feedback helps to improve the overall experience 是無文件ID:ACC500201 原始發布日期:02/25/2021 Last Modified Date:04/07/2024保持聯繫 我們對環境的承諾 了解我們全球發展現狀 關於聯想 我們的公司 新聞 投資者關係 可持續發展 ...