Hi there, I have G500 Laptop (Lenovo) - Type 80A6. My screen went black and it had lines as if the ribbon got cut or the lcd im not sure. I just wanted to find out how much to fix this issue . Or is it a issue that is to be fixed at home. It did stop charging a while...
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是的,您可以通過按 Alt + Print Screen 鍵使用 Print Screen 鍵僅捕獲一個窗口的屏幕截圖。這將捕獲活動窗口的屏幕截圖並將其保存到剪貼板。 如何保存使用 Print Screen 鍵截取的屏幕截圖? 要保存使用 Print Screen 鍵拍攝的屏幕截圖,您需要將圖像粘貼到文檔或圖像編輯程序(例如Microsoft Word或 Paint)中,然後保存...
Try connecting an external monitor to your laptop's HDMI port and then observe if the screen flickering/glitching/lines on laptop LCD will also show up or be duplicated to the external monitor you've connected. If the external monitor shows fine display ...
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要截取整個屏幕的屏幕截圖,只需按鍵盤上的“Print Screen”或“PrtScn”鍵即可。要保存它,請打開圖像編輯程序(例如 Paint 或 Photoshop)並將屏幕截圖粘貼到程序中。或者,您可以將其保存在剪貼板內存中,直到稍後需要為止。您還可以通過按 Alt+ Print Screen(僅捕獲活動窗口)或 Shift+ Print Screen(有選擇地選擇要...
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