英特尔B580最新6559驱动爆雷不要升级驱动,一旦升级,你退回老驱动也废掉了!!! 1344 0 01:22 App RTX 504030大量黑屏变砖!救命的BIOS、驱动来了 6842 2 01:19 App A系列用新驱动的苦 446 0 08:15 App 【转载】怪物猎人荒野-联想掌机-Legion Go游戏测试 7.6万 35 00:48 App AMD销量占比超90%%!德国再次...
Re:Legion Go driver updates Upping this again. Update drivers Lenovo. The GO is a GAMING device, and as such should be getting new drivers pretty much on release to keep up with game releases. I had to sideload the stable AMFM 2 driver which is not something I should need to do on...
Legion Coldfront 彈性電源模式 6 個感應器 最高搭載 20W TGP 「靜音模式」下低至 25 分貝 Legion Go 配備 16GB 7500Mhz LPDDR5X RAM 與 512GB PCIe Gen4 儲存裝置,空間充裕,足以容納遊戲、媒體與檔案,多工處理流暢迅捷,「打機」更爽更快;而且,裝置可加添 micro-SD 卡插槽,輕鬆擴充容量,為您珍藏更多心愛...
本《用户指南》提供使用 Legion Go 2023 的基础知识。了解 Legion Go 2023 所需的指南、功能、规格和有用资源。
透過Lenovo Legion Go 體驗終極的遊戲靈活性。這款可攜式掌上電競電腦可以順暢地連接到 Legion 螢幕,提供身歷其境的遊戲體驗。搭配選購的控制器底座,享受精準控制,並透過相容的 Legion 眼鏡,探索擴增實境遊戲。
在接触 Lenovo Legion Go 的第一刻,这款设备就用其强悍的硬件和引人入胜的设计刷新了我对掌机的认知。它不仅仅是一台设备,更像是为游戏狂热者量身打造的一次视觉和操作的双重盛宴。 产品参数: 1.1 沉浸感十足的设计与手感 当我拿起 Legion Go 时,那种厚实的质感让我心跳加速。它不像传统掌机那样轻便,而是给...
Legion Go 的顯示器支援雙更新頻率。您可以手動切換顯示器,使其以較高或較低的更新頻率運作。您可以在設定 ➙ 系統 ➙ 顯示器中找到該設定。您也可以在 Legion Space 應用程式的顯示區段中切換更新頻率。 控制器震動 當您玩遊戲時,控制器的內建馬達會震動以模擬一些遊戲效果,例如衝擊和撞擊。
The Lenovo Legion Go is designed for gamers who will settle for nothing less than top-tier specs and visuals on their handheld device.
I just noted my legion go heats up like crazy on playing games Welcome to Lenovo Community electrofr3ak, I am sorry that you are having this issue. To address the high drive temperatures, please check if the fan is running at full speed. If you've had the device for a while, it mig...
The Lenovo Legion Go’s Legion TrueStrike controllers are detachable to allow for more flexibility in play styles. The FPS mode allows the user to detach the controllers from the Lenovo Legion Go body and use the kickstand at the back to prop it up on a surface. The right detached controlle...