Legion Go 與 SteamOS™ 帶來相似主機感、遊戲手把就緒的控制和順暢的遊戲體驗。休眠、恢復和電腦切換,享受雲端存檔。聊天、接收通知、從電腦串流、探索 Steam 商店,以及即刻玩樂,無須更新驅動程式或硬體微調。一台裝置,操作無限。 玩Go 時間 屢獲殊榮的 Legion Go 是我們的旗艦掌上機,配備業界領先技術,盡情享受...
Experience ultimate gaming flexibility with Lenovo Legion Go. This portable handheld gaming PC seamlessly docks to a Legion monitor for immersive gameplay.
multi-mode performance controls software learn more lenovo legion go to view this video please enable javascript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports html5 video game your way, any way experience unrivaled versatility with legion go, the ultimate flexible gaming tool. in handheld...
說到底,Legion Go 迎合玩家各種需求,且靈活無雙,定能伴您實現一個又一個電競目標。 手提模式 可分拆模式 FPS 模式 Legion Glass 威力無窮,盡在掌中 顯示器 處理器 散熱組件 記憶體 電池續航力 Lenovo Legion Go 將流動電競體驗推向非同凡響的新高,其 8.8 吋 QHD+ Lenovo PureSight 電競顯示器絢麗出眾,營造引...
透過Lenovo Legion Go 體驗終極的遊戲靈活性。這款可攜式掌上電競電腦可以順暢地連接到 Legion 螢幕,提供身歷其境的遊戲體驗。搭配選購的控制器底座,享受精準控制,並透過相容的 Legion 眼鏡,探索擴增實境遊戲。
multi-mode performance controls software learn more lenovo legion go to view this video please enable javascript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports html5 video game your way, any way experience unrivaled versatility with legion go, the ultimate flexible gaming tool. in handheld...
Experience unrivaled versatility with Legion Go, the ultimate flexible gaming tool. In handheld mode, transform your beloved palm device into a portal gaming PC, perfect for on-the-go gaming. Dock your Legion Go to your favorite Legion monitor and settle onto your cozy couch with ergonomically ...
Experience ultimate gaming flexibility with Lenovo Legion Go. This portable handheld gaming PC seamlessly docks to a Legion monitor for immersive gameplay.
Lenovo Legion Go 配備 AMD Ryzen Z1 Extreme 處理器連 RDNA 顯示卡,另搭載 8.8 吋 QHD+ Lenovo PureSight 電競顯示器與 Legion Space。
Lenovo Legion Go Game Your Way, Any Way Experience unrivaled versatility with Legion Go, the ultimate flexible gaming tool. In handheld mode, transform your beloved palm device into a portal gaming PC, perfect for on-the-go gaming. Dock your Legion Go to your favorite Legion monitor and settl...