Finally, the performance of the regularLegion 5iand this Legion 5i Pro in both an i7 + RTX 3060 140W configuration is pretty much indentical. In conclusion, the major update with this series is the overall performance of the 12th gen Intel platform. This will make a difference in CPU-inten...
Legion 5i Pro (16 吋 Gen 7) 的 5 管道散熱佈局無遠弗屆,風扇系統效能提升了 140%,扇葉則比上代型號薄 40%;而 Legion Coldfront 4.0 散熱系統可讓您以三種方式控制 CPU 與 GPU 溫度,同時減低風扇操作噪音。再加上專用 CPU 銅質熱能轉移片,裝置儼如...
【4K】新款16英寸三星Galaxy Book5 Pro 360二合一轻薄本评测:惊人的电池,华丽的显示屏!| 作者:Matthew Moniz | 机翻中文 342 1 7:32 App 【手机开箱】谷歌Google Pixel 7 Pro 开箱上手 325 -- 24:12 App 虽然没什么人提及,但是真的很酷 - 雅达利Atari 2600+ 复古游戏机测评「NerdNest」|机翻中字 618...
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【笔记本测评】联想Lenovo Legion 5i (2024款) 测评 - 仍然是最佳中端游戏本?| 作者 Jarrod'sTech | 机翻中字67502024-05-31 20:25:59您当前的浏览器不支持 HTML5 播放器 请更换浏览器再试试哦~7 投币 1 分享 科技...
转自: 全语种字幕制作 最近,管理员有机会预览与Lenovo的Pum一起使用的Lenovo Legion 5 15.6“ / 5i 17.3”和Legion 7i 15.6“规格Ryzen 4000H / Core i 10H +新的GeForce GTX / RTX,所有都, 视频播放量
This article is our detailed review of the highest-tier configuration of the 2022 Lenovo Legion 5i Pro series, with Intel 12th-gen i7-12700H + 32GB RAM + Nvidia RTX 3070Ti specs. I’ve already reviewed the mid-tier i7 + RTX 3060 configuration of the Legion 5i Pro laptop in a previous...
Re:Legion 5i Pro Gen 7 USB Port Not working (Code43) Hi tahirk, It's possible to roll back the BIOS update, but it's not recommended unless absolutely necessary as it can potentially harm your system. However, if you still want to proceed, you can do so by following the instru...
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With its expansive five-heat pipe layout, the Legion 5i Pro Gen 7 (16" Intel) also has a 140% more powerful fan system with 40% thinner fan blades than its predecessor. The Legion Coldfront 4.0 thermal system gives you three ways to control CPU and GPU temperatures and reduce overall fa...