I had a ix4-300d that had a critical power failure - smoke from the power input socket, flames from the plug. I do not want to replace with an identical unit but I cannot access the data on the disks with a NAS from another supplier (Netgear). I suspect this is because the...
Re:ix4-300d Hallo Manni,in der Thematik bzw. Gerätekategorie bin ich leider keine Hilfe, aber ich konnte zumindest schon mal etwas im englischen Forum finden:ix4-300D-How-to-find-drive-running-hours - English Community - LENOVO COMMUNITYupgrading-HDs-on-ix4-300D - English Community -...
Lenovo 联想 IX4-300D 无盘网络存储 4盘位 $189 购买渠道 美国亚马逊 爆料人: 小可了了 15-02-26发布 今天这款是联想推出的一款桌面式小型网络存储设备,适合作为家庭私有云存储使用,金属机身,具备四个3.5英寸盘位,大容量,存储高清电影和合适,这个价位,一般品牌的,只能买到双盘位的。
mkimage -A arm -O linux -T multi -C none -a 0x04000000 -e 0x04000000 -n "Debian armhf installer" -d vmlinuz_ix4_300d:initrd.gz uImage_di_ix4_300d_bookworm Create separate uImage and uInitrd for USB boot: mkimage -A arm -O linux -T kernel -C none -a 0x04000000 -e 0x0...
cannot disable web interface (sorry hal, I can't do that) disks will not dismount cannot run fsck also, running iostat -x yeilds a %b of 100 any help would be great. I wish these people had some support... wont buy Lenovo NAS - trying to help a friend here. ...
Thanks Upgrades over the years probably changed the compatibility. Just use another drive instead. I know DOS all the way back to 3.0...
Unfortunately the support for the ix4 has been removed. Like yourself I cannot set up a new cloud. All that I use it for now is data storage on my network. I access the NAS using the UNC addresses i.e. \\host address\share name and use the userna...
I have my ix4-300d (70B89001NA) working fine for years. Mostly store photos for the family memories. The storage was down recently, after press the reset at the back, waited hours of self reconstructing, it stopped at data reconstructed at 99%. But It won’t reboot, aft...
It started up fine, and is currently reconstructing the drives for RAID-5. Although these 2013 NOS drives are not on the "approved" list for the ix4-300d, should I have any concerns using these drives? Note that these drives have a Lenovo approved sticker...
I also ordered new Western Digital WD2000F9YZ 2TB Data Center HD's, the same as I use in my 3rd ix4-300D, which work very well. Should be getting these later this week. I'm on the fence as to whether or not to let the cur...