IdeaPad L340 Gaming (17")Bring your A-game to every game When it comes to gaming, you can't leave things to chance. That's why the IdeaPad L340 Gaming (17") gives you an edge from the get-go. Powerful Intel Core i7 processing, state-of-the-art NVIDIA® GeForce® graphics...
IdeaPad L340 Gaming (17") Bring your A-game to every game When it comes to gaming, you can't leave things to chance. That's why the IdeaPad L340 Gaming (17") gives you an edge from the get-go. Powerful Intel Core i7 processing, state-of-the-art NVIDIA® GeForce® graphics, ...
联想IdeaPad L340笔记本电脑是联想旗下的产品,搭载了八代低压酷睿处理器,用户可选i5-8265U或i7-8565U,内存容量为4GB或8GB,支持扩展到16GB。硬盘则配备了256GB固态,显卡为MX230,拥有2GB显存。这款笔记本的A/C面材质为ABS塑料,配备15.6英寸雾面屏幕,采用窄边框设计,屏占比高达80%,配备1920x10...
Lenovo IdeaPad L340-17IRH Gaming RAM & SSD Upgrades We have compatible memory and storage upgrades for your system Compatible RAM Compatible SSD About your IdeaPad L340-17IRH Gaming Memory Storage Upgrade advice Your computer's memory capability: Slots: 1 (1 bank of 1) Maximum memory: ...
The IdeaPad L340 runs for up to 7.5 hours*, more than enough to get you through the day or to binge-watch your favorite TV show. Protecting what matters the most Whether it's for work, entertainment, or homework, too many hours in front of a PC can be bad for your eyes. With ...
联想IdeaPad L340笔记本电脑是联想集团的拳头产品之一。其搭载了第八代低压酷睿处理器,为用户提供了两种选择:i5-8265U和i7-8565U,以适应不同需求。内存配置上,这款笔记本支持4GB和8GB两种容量,均采用DDR4标准,且仅有一个内存插槽,最大可扩展至16GB。在存储方面,256GB的固态硬盘不仅读写速度极快...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现适用LENOVO 联想 IdeaPad L340-17IWL Gaming L340-17IRH 键盘C壳的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于适用LENOVO 联想 IdeaPad L340-17IWL Gaming L340-17IRH 键盘C壳的信息,请来
Lenovo 联想 IdeaPad L340 15.6英寸 笔记本电脑以其出色的设计和强大的性能,满足了现代用户的各种需求。这款电脑搭载了第八代低压酷睿处理器,提供了两种不同的型号选择:i5-8265U和i7-8565U,旨在根据不同用户的使用场景提供最合适的性能支持。内存方面,这款笔记本电脑提供了4GB和8GB两种规格,且具有...
Lenovo 联想 Ideapad L340 游戏笔记本电脑,15.6英寸(约39.6 X 1080)IPS显. 搭载i5-9300H处理器,及GTX1650独立显卡,拥有8GB内存及512GB固态硬盘。15.6英寸IPS屏,亮度250尼特,45%NTSC色域覆盖,内置45Wh电池,配备USB 3.
联想IdeaPad L340是一款性价比高的笔记本电脑,适合多种用户群体。它搭载了八代低压酷睿处理器,提供了i5-8265U和i7-8565U两种型号供选择,内存则有4GB和8GB两种规格,且支持16GB的扩展,256GB的固态硬盘搭配MX230显卡,为用户带来流畅的使用体验。外观方面,联想IdeaPad L340采用了银色设计,外观时尚。A/...