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苏宁易购为您提供联想(Lenovo)Ideacentre AIO 700-24ISH电脑一体机和联想(Lenovo)拯救者R720 15.6英寸游戏本笔记本(I5-7300HQ 8G内存 1TB+128GB GTX1050 2G独显)参数对比,让您了解联想(Lenovo)Ideacentre AIO 700-24ISH电脑一体机和联想(Lenovo)拯救者R720 15.6英寸游戏本
Thank you for your message. I understand your concern regarding the BIOS update for your Ideacentre AIO 700-24ISH and AIO 700-27ISH to better support Windows 11 23H2. These AIO models are not compatible with Windows 11 as perthis link, therefore there won't be avai...
Re:Ideacentre AIO 700 24-ISH BIOS @Jack_Lenovo1 wrote: Hello MassimilianoTI, Kindly try loading the default BIOS settings to see if that fixes the issues. BIOS reset - Press the power button to completely shut down the unit. - Press the F1 repeatedly on startup to enter BIOS. - Navi...
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