Lenovo G51..首先呐,当然是拆机,外置显卡需要EXP GDC的支持,淘宝要买,其他网站没有,G510需要的是EXP GDC笔记本外置外接PCI-E独立显卡BEAST系列Mini PCI-E。淘宝一搜索就有。楼主的显
Re: Lenovo G510 - WiFi randomly get lags and loses connection with router. Hi neokenchi When the driver is installed i see only 1x1 11b/g/n Wireless LAN PCI Express Half Mini Card Adapter on the list. I uninstalled drivers from device proporties and from "Pro...
My understanding is that since we have a PCI-e 2.0 1x lane in the WLAN port, the system should in principle be able to load the NIC correctly. So far, my research has led me to the following ideas on what might be missing: - Missing DXE driver to load the NIC during UEFI ...
现在差不多彻底解决了,支架也是随便买的个G510能用的,也没去特意买什么指定的支架,机械盘是西数的,不能识别主要原因分析可能有以下几个点: 1、BIOS版本可能太低,多年没有更新,现最新官网BIOS是3.09,建议更新至最新BIOS,地址:https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/us/zh/products/LAPTOPS-AND-NETBOOKS 下载后安装自动...