To minimize its environmental footprint, the University of Birmingham has added Lenovo’s CO2 offset services to their entire fleet of Lenovo devices. In the six months since enrolling in the program, the University has offset 1,313 metric tonnes of carbon, supporting projects...
offset emissions looking for a new device? choose from lenovo’s world-class line of laptops and add co 2 offset services to offset carbon emissions associated with your device. explore devices lenovo co 2 offset services surpasses 1 million metric tonnes of carbon offsets milestone when you ...
“Lenovo CO2 Offset Services has seen a rapid uptake and positive response. Already, customers have chosen to offset approximately 26,000 metric tonnes of carbon dioxide, the equivalent annual emissions of 8,600 households, or taking 10,400 vehicles off the road for one year**” says Stefan...
Offset CO2emissions across the average lifecycle of your PC by supporting climate action projects verified by the United Nations, Gold Standard®, and Climate Action Reserve. Lenovo has helped customers offset more than 1 million metric tonnes of CO2emissions. ...
1 million metric tonnes of CO2. Lenovo’s carbon offset service funds projects around the world that help reduce carbon emissions by a measurable and verifiable amount such as solar, windmills, and other renewable energy projects that are aimed to help reduce the CO2 emitted into the atmosphere....
Lenovo is also encouraging its customers to meet their own sustainability goals through the provision of services such asCO2 Offset Servicewhich has already offset more than1 million metric tonnesof carbon dioxide from their purchases of Think PCs, andAsset Recovery Servicewhich has been helping cust...
Lenovo CO2Offset Services offer an easy and tangible way to show your commitment to sustainability. To date, Lenovo has helped commercial customers offset more than 1 million metric tonnes of carbon dioxide associated with the purchase of their IT equipment. That’s the equivalent of the amount ...
Learn about Lenovo's CO2 Offset Services and how they can help you manage your carbon footprint. Offset your device's emissions today.
Lenovo CO2Offset Services offer an easy and tangible way to show your commitment to sustainability. To date, Lenovo has helped commercial customers offset more than 1 million metric tonnes of carbon dioxide associated with the purchase of their IT equipment. That’s the equivalent of the amount ...
Transparency of carbon offsets Lenovo CO2Offset Services offer complete transparency throughout the process. At any time, you can download confirmation of your carbon offset and view details of the climate action project that your offset supports by adding the serial number of your device on theLen...