In the end, I have updated the BIOS via the bootable CD copied to an USB drive (the steps I used: @Tojaj, thanks for the update, please let us know if there is any further question. ...
││ Device ID: 91c9a317b30acf7c0cd967f2ce6925d518ef19a7││ Summary: USB 3.x hub││ Current version: 50.33││ Vendor: VIA Labs, Inc. (USB:0x17EF)││ Install Duration: 15 seconds││ Update Error: Cannot install update when system battery is not at least 25%││ GUID: dea51...
│ GUIDs: 9f43b2ca-afbb-5499-b8a3-c902c185ae30 ← UEFI\CRT_13A369E8E207FDAD1F3D1B7F1259C2EE6A662B28EEBF1A1D0C69580B3D797449 │ 1431b52a-4a2e-53f6-858b-38b6dcbdac26 ← UEFI\CRT_13A369E8E207FDAD1F3D1B7F1259C2EE6A662B28EEBF1A1D0C69580B3D797449&ARCH_X64 │ Device Flags...