当前规格: Lenovo 联想 Yoga Slim 7 Pro 14英寸 笔记本电脑商品介绍 完善信息 Yoga Slim 7 Pro 机型采用了光滑耐用的翻盖式设计,厚度 14.9mm、重1.45kg。 屏幕为14 英寸,长宽比16:10 。亮度400尼特,具有低蓝光护眼特性。刷新率 90Hz,并且可选触屏功能。 显卡方面,可选英伟达GTX 1650或MX450 。电池续航16...
在AI Engine+ 加持下,Yoga Slim 7 Pro 可因應您的需求調適,伴您往返每個場地、每處場景—Adaptive Performance 會根據用況調整效能或電池續航力;Intelligent Sense 讓您零接觸登入及翻揭開機;鍵盤燈效與屏幕亮度均因時制宜;而 Integrated Security 基礎加密功能則可將威脅連根拔起,阻截勒索軟件攻擊。
丰田携手联想,以超融合搭建虚拟办公桌,助力其设计工程师摆脱对办公室工作站的依赖,轻松实现远程三维CAD办公。 科技加持教育,让教室穿越时空 教育如何更进一步?北师大未来设计学院与联想共创“未来设计教育实验室”,集媒体互动教学和远程会议功能于一体,打破教室时空限制。 数字化转型,先进供应链的必经之路 数字化转型,要...
Experience new levels of speed and power on the Lenovo Slim Pro 7 laptop with AMD Ryzen™ processors with AMD Ryzen™ AI technology built in. Accelerate your work and creativity with blazing fast speeds and discover true creative freedom and flexibility with long-lasting battery life. Prepare...
With Lenovo AI Engine+, create as fast as your imagination allows. Dynamically adjust fan speed and hardware performance on the Yoga Slim 7 Pro X with Smart Power, accelerating when you need power or extending battery life when you need endurance. Plus, with sma...
Unlock the power of your creativity on the Yoga Slim 7 Pro. It blazes a trail into the future with AMD Ryzen™ 5000 series Mobile Processors, NVIDIA®'s coveted RTX™ 3050 Laptop GPUs, and a first-of-its-kind 16" 60Hz touchscreen which provides intuitive control...
With Lenovo AI Engine+, create as fast as your imagination allows. Dynamically adjust fan speed and hardware performance on the Yoga Slim 7 Pro X with Smart Power, accelerating when you need power or extending battery life when you need endurance. Plus, with smart interactions such as ...
Yoga Slim 7 Pro 以頂尖鋁金屬打造,備有典雅石板灰與淺銀色款式,貼心細節包括升高鏡頭槽位,方便單手開合裝置;背光鍵盤連全新圓拱形設計按鍵,令打字體驗更舒適。 隨時隨地,娛樂無間 裝置的 14 吋顯示器清晰度達致 2.8K,備有 90% 畫面比例與較高長寬比,可在捲動瀏覽網頁或處理文件時優化觀影效果,善用畫面每...
With Lenovo AI Engine+, create as fast as your imagination allows. Dynamically adjust fan speed and hardware performance on the Yoga Slim 7 Pro X with Smart Power, accelerating when you need power or extending battery life when you need endurance. Plus, with smart interactions such as Intellige...
Yoga Slim 7 Pro Gen 6 (16" AMD) 3.9 (67) Light frame, pure power. Unlock the power of your creativity on the Yoga Slim 7 Pro. It blazes a trail into the future with AMD Ryzen™ 5000 series Mobile Processors, NVIDIA®'s coveted RTX™ 3050 Laptop GPUs, and a first-of-...