In 1985, while still struggling to land his big break, Kravitz was deeply saddened by the news of his parents' divorce. Wife and Daughter The following year, Kravitz relocated to New York City. It was there that he met actress Lisa Bonet, who was starring as Denise Huxtable on The Cosby...
Lenny Kravitz chats with ET's Denny Directo at the 35th Annual Palm Springs International Film Festival Awards Gala. The singer opens up about how honored he was to write a song for the highly acclaimed film, 'Rustin.' He also shares how he feels about his daughter Zoë...
where his mother Roxie Roker was in treatment for breast cancer. Upon receiving the call that she had died, Kravitz encountered Cash and his wife, who were also staying at Rubin’s while Cash recordedAmerican Recordings II: Unchained.
Oh, what a trip to the airport! Lenny Kravitzposted to Instagramon Sept. 29 and shared a pair of selfies with the one and onlyFrankie Valliafter the two musicians recently ran into one another before or after hopping on a flight. "Just ran into the legendary Frankie Valli at the airport...
In observance of his new star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame, Lenny Kravitz looks back at his career and remembers 'being chewed out by Robert Plant.'
Through 'Let Love Rule', the 'Fly Away' hitmaker has a chance to reexamine his 'very challenging' relationship with NBC News assignment editor and producer Sy Kravitz, who died in 2005.
and they’re making some really cool music. I went to a gig of hers in Brooklyn not that long ago. She just watched everything as a child. She was around a lot of great, creative people, being with me and her mother [Kravitz’s ex-wife, actress Lisa Bonet]. She just finished mak...
Related:Channing Tatum and Zoe Kravitz’s Relationship Timeline The guitarist added that he was “extremely” proud of his daughter, 35, and all of her accomplishments. “She’s an amazing human being, and I’m so blessed that that’s the daughter that God gave me. She challenges me...
ShowBiz Minute: Polanski, Gosling, Kravitz ShowBiz Minute: BAFTA, People’s Choice, US Box Office More News Jason Momoa, Lisa Bonet split after 16 years together Jason Momoa and wife Lisa Bonet have ended their 16-year relationship. A joint statement posted on the “Aquaman” star’s...
That same year Kravitz published Mama Said (1991), an album that had the collaboration of the former guitarist of the band Guns N ‘Roses, Slash, which performed the guitar on the songs Always on the Run and Fields of Joy. This album conveyed Kravitz’s feelings for his wife, was even...