“The freedom of the bourgeois writer, artist or actress is simply masked dependence on the money-bag, on corruption, on prostitution.” “Imperialismis the final stage of Capitalism.” “Every society is three meals away from chaos.” “What caused the war? The greed of the Italian money ...
Civilisation cannot survive if it rests on a propertyless proletariat. —Ernest Bevin History is the only true teacher, the revolution the best school for the proletariat. —Rosa Luxemburg Trade unionism is not socialism. It is the capitalism of the proletariat. —George Bernard Shaw Look at t...
Other reorganizations and developments have followed, in the works of Lenin, especially in that unparalleled work of economic sociology, unfortunately ignored by sociologists, called The Development of Capitalism in Russia, in Imperialism, etc. Whether or no we accept the fact, we are still ...