Summary There is ongoing effort to discharge patients early after hip fracture surgery to reduce the medical and economic burden. We tried to find whether there is any related side effect, and...doi:10.1007/s00198-018-4747-7J. YooDepartment of Family Medicine, College of Medicine, Kyung Hee...
BMJBmjPeterCramRaphaelPhilipRushCram P, Rush RP. Length of hospital stay after hip fracture: how low can we go before patients are at risk? BMJ 2015;350:h823.Cram P, Rush RP (2015) Length of hospital stay after hip fracture. BMJ 350: h823....
Hip fracture is a major health problem and a patient's biological age, comorbidity, and cognitive vulnerability have an impact on its related outcomes. Length of stay (LOS) for these highly vulnerable patients is rather long and the possible causes have not been clearly identified yet.We aimed...
The misexploitation of hospital beds was calculated based on an optimal hospital stay of 9 days. When complications occurred, necessitating longer medical treatment, this optimum was adjusted in each individual case. The mean hospital stay in 123 patients who had to be transferred to a nursing ...
We investigated multiple machine learning techniques including feature engineering, regression, and classification trees to predict the length of stay (LoS) of all the hospital procedures currently available in the dataset. Whereas many researchers focus on LoS prediction for a specific disease, a unique...
The problem of correct inpatient scheduling is extremely significant for healthcare management. Extended length of stay can have negative effects on the supply of healthcare treatments, reducing patient accessibility and creating missed opportunities to increase hospital revenues by means of other treatments...
Prolonged length of stay (LOS) after elective total hip (THA) and knee (TKA) arthroplasty is often associated with worse patient outcomes. Social support through room-sharing has been identified as a factor that may reduce LOS in a hospital setting, but has not yet been examined in an ortho...
The impact of tobacco use and body mass index on the length of stay in hospital and the risk of post-operative complications among patients undergoing tota... We carried out a retrospective cohort study of 3309 patients undergoing primary total hip replacement to examine the impact of tobacco ...
Delayed identification of patients requiring admission to extended care facilities (ECFs) can lead to greater healthcare costs through an increased length of hospital stay (LOHS). Previous studies of hip and knee arthroplasty identified factors associated with a likely discharge to an ECF. These issue...
DDD analyses confirmed that inpatient length of stay increased in public compared to nonprofit hospitals in treated relative to control MSAs after policy implementation. Conclusions The impacts of the CJR program differed by hospital ownership type. Government-owned hospitals, with their unique financial ...