LendingClub also offers a variety of other products, including: Business checking accounts Personal loans Business loans Auto refinancing Compare offers to find the best checking account Click here to view interactive content How LendingClub Bank compares ...
Lending Club(NYSE:LC)创立于2006年,是一家在线撮合借款和出借的P2P平台,公司位于美国旧金山。公司上线运营初期仅提供个人贷款(personal loans)服务,后增加了医疗信贷(patient loans)、车贷分期(auto refinancing loans)。2014年12月12日开始在纽交所挂牌交易,成为当年最大的科技股IPO,2014年前后公司增加小...
Is LendingClub Reputable? LendingClub has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau, earning an average score of 4.44 out of 5 stars from more than 1,800 reviews. Its Trustpilot score is excellent, with an average of 4.7 out 5 stars; 88% of its reviews are five-star ratings. The ...
个人贷款(personal loans)是平台提供的无担保个人贷款,每月等额还款,提前还款无违约金,分为标准贷款项目和定制贷款项目两种。其中符合标准贷款项目的标准是:1. FICO>=660 2.36个月的信贷历史 3.最近六个月内,有限的信贷查询次数 4.合格的DTI(debt-to-income)比例。 医疗信贷(patient loans)是通过Springstone和其合...
Lending Club(NYSE:LC)创立于2006年,是一家在线撮合借款和出借的P2P平台,公司位于美国旧金山。公司上线运营初期仅提供个人贷款(personal loans)服务,后增加了医疗信贷(patient loans)、车贷分期(auto refinancing loans)。2014年12月12日开始在纽交所挂牌交易,成为当年最大的科技股IPO,2014年前后公司增加小微企业贷(...
小微企业贷(small business loans)从2014年开始开展。借款人需满足以下申请条件:1.公司开业1年及以上;2.年销售额至少$50,000;3.近期没有破产记录;4.拥有公司至少20%的股份;5.良好的个人信用。借款人可每月按固定利率还款。 从规模看,个人贷款是LC的主要借款产品,基于16年数据占比高达90%。其他类贷款只占9.6...
LendingClub is a P2P lending company offering personal loans, auto refinancing, and business loans. It also provides credit card consolidation, enabling customers to manage their finances better. Bills Paid in These Categories Services:Personal Loan,Business Loan,Clinic,Retail Store Card ...
Known for personal and business loans, LendingClub now offers banking. Learn the pros and cons of LendingClub Bank to see if opening an account is worth it.
Lending Club(NYSE:LC)创立于2006年,是一家在线撮合借款和出借的P2P平台,公司位于美国旧金山。公司上线运营初期仅提供个人贷款(personal loans)服务,后增加了医疗信贷(patient loans)、车贷分期(auto refinancing loans)。2014年12月12日开始在纽交所挂牌交易,成为当年最大的科技股IPO,2014年前后公司增加小微企业贷(...
“We’re excited to be able to offer access to personal and business loans to residents of Mississippi,” said Lending Club CEO Renaud Laplanche. “To date, loans through Lending Club have helped more than 290,000 Americans achieve their financial objectives. Our goal is to become more helpfu...