Other Names: Balm, Balm mint, Blue balm, Dropsy plant, Garden balm, Sweet balm, Lemon balm, Melissa Lemon Balm Herbal Use Lemon Balm is an edible and medicinal plant. The fresh leaves can be added to salad or used in egg dishes and can be used to make sauces for fish, poultry and ...
Scientific Name:Melissa officinalis Common Name:Lemon Balm Other Common Names:Balm, Common Balm, Cytria, Hashishat Al Nahil, Kovanutu, Lemon Balm, Lemonbalm, Nd, Ogulotu, Seiyo-Yama-Hakka, Sweet Balm, Toronjil, Tronjan Plant Type:Perennial Where To Plant:Full Sun to Partly Shady Soil Types...
elixir-perfume called Carmelite water, which was developed and sold by nuns. It was made by a slow maceration of lemon balm and other complimentary herbs in an alcoholic solution, (in effect creating a tincture) which was then diluted with the addition of water. It was used either as aneau...
cultivated as an ornamental for its terminal cluster of red blossoms (sometimes pink in garden varieties). Oswego tea is similar and closely related to wildbergamot(M. fistulosa). The names bergamot and balm are also used for other plants. The bee balms are classified in the divisionMagnolio...
where rosemary迷迭香 and lavender薰衣草 ,hydrangea绣球 and lemon柠檬balm香脂 where rosemary and lavender,hydrangea and lemon balm ParaCrawl Corpus Lemon Myrtle的清新香气,令人感觉神清气爽。 限量促销 The fresh aroma of Lemon Myrtle is uplifting and refreshing. ParaCrawl Corpus 装载更多 最...
Other Common Names: Common balm, melissa, sweet balm, citronmeliss (Swedish), Melisse (German), meliza (Spanish). Note that ‘bee balm’ is sometimes used, incorrectly, as a synonym for lemon balm; bee balm is, in fact, another group of plants in the mint family. ...
Lemon balm is a plant used as an herbal supplement. It may have antiviral activity against some viruses, for example, the herpesvirus, as well as calming effects. The active compounds in lemon balm are caffeic acid and tannins. Lemon balm may be used digestive aid, increase appetite,flatulence...
Lemonbalm (Melissa officinalis) is a perennial herbaceous plant in the mint family. It grows to a maximum height of 1 m (3+1⁄2 ft) and the leaves have Lemon shark Thelemonshark (Negaprion brevirostris) is a species of shark from the family Carcharhinidae, known for its yellowish ...
Lemon balm makes a good first-aid remedy for cuts, insect stings, and fevers. Applications of lemon balm cream to a cold sore or other herpes sores when the warning tingling is first felt, appears to reduce the size and hasten the healing. ...
As your plant grows, you can propagate and grow it in other areas of your garden. Propagating is also a great way to give your friends and family lemon balm plants as well. If you want to propagate the plant, remove a 3-inch or larger section of stem with sterilized pruners. Then, ...