LEM BAZLI MANPLASYONUN STATSTKSEL SINIFLANDIRMA ANALZLERYLE BELRLENMESThe trade based manipulation has negative effects on investors, stock market and so, depending on them on whole economy. Consequently, a study based on determination of manipulation will provide information to related individuals....
(Turkish).ISIL İŞLEMİN AKIMSIZ Nİ-B KAPLANAN SAF TİTANYUMUN YAPISINA ETKİSİ. (Turkish).HEAT treatment of metalsTITANIUMNICKEL-platingWEAR resistanceHARDNESSANNEALING of metalsSCANNING electron microscopyX-ray diffractionPure titanium has a very large potential for use industrially due ...
Fluconazole in pulse therapy (300 mg once weekly) is effective in the treatment of onychomycosis. 2. Fluconazole in long therapy is a safe and good tolerated drug.Baran, EugeniuszHryncewicz-Gwóźdž, AnitaPlomer-Niezgoda, EwaCzarnecka, AnnaMaj, JoannaCisŁo, MariaMedical Mycology...
D6... (Turkish).]]>The study sets out to find out the level of job burnout and job involvement and examines the relation between the sub-dimensions of job burnout and job involvement. Maslach burnout inventory was used to measure the level of job burnout. To find out the level of job...
Stanis艂aw Lem's Summa Technologiae (1964), published for the first time in English nearly fifty years after its first publication in Polish, is of interest today primarily for the ideas Lem formulated that have not yet been taken up in a serious way, and for the light it sheds on his...
EBSCO_AspAnnuario Della Scuola Archeologica Di Atene E Delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente
It focuses on the landmark poetics of SuAndi and Lemn Sissay. It mentions that Sissay has proclaimed that his poem "The Gilt of Cain" as of the few African people present.OsborneDeirdreThamyris/Intersecting: Place
Finally, Human will be warned of a terrible punishment or will have a goodly reward. On this context, this article intends to reply to questions concerned with 'Amr b. 'Ubaid's free will and qadar thoughts.AydinliOsmanJournal of Divinity Faculty of Hitit University...
Asencio C, Davidson IF, Santarella-Mellwig R, Ly-Hartig TB, Mall M, Wallenfang MR, Mattaj IW, Gorjanacz M (2012) Coordination of kinase and phosphatase activities by Lem4 enables nuclear envelope reassembly during mitosis. Cell 150(1):122-135. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2012.04.043...