PERAN LEMBAGA PERLINDUNGAN ANAK PROVINSI DIY DALAM MELINDUNGI HAK ANAK SEBAGAI KORBAN KEKERASAN SEKSUALEvery child has rights just as a man in general .The rights of children have dealt with in neat in rules positive in indonesia in the form of protectio...
KEBIJAKAN PERLINDUNGAN HUKUM PIDANA TERHADAP KORBAN TINDAK PIDANA DI BIDANG MEDIS dan kompleks, yakni secara umum tidak hanya dapat menguras sumber daya alam, akan tetapi juga modal manusia, modal sosial, bahkan modal kelembagaan yang dilakukan dalam upaya memberikan perlindungan terhadap korban tind...
Growth of banking World give the big contribution for economics in Indonesia. Bank have to can take care of and guarantee the fund management all client so that give the safety for client to give the belief which is full for bank in menyimpan and manage its fund. Image an bank in society...
penilitian yang dilakukan, berdasarkan hukum nasional Indonesia, sampai saat ini belum ada peraturan perundang-undangan yang dapat melindungi anak-anak korban yang sedang menjalani masa rehabilitasi dalam lembaga serta aturan pelaksana terkait kepegawaian dari lembaga perlindungan anak di...
PELAKSANAAN PERLINDUNGAN HUKUM TERHADAP PEWARTA YANG BEKERJA DI LEMBAGA KANTOR BERITA NASIONAL ANTARA BIRO YOGYAKARTAThe development of media in Indonesia is growing faster. The growth influences the rise of workers in media. One of them which become...
Lebih lanjut lagi, 32,6 % dari total PNS di Indonesia... TW Handoko,LM Jannah 被引量: 0发表: 2020年 PENGAWASAN DINAS KEBUDAYAAN DAN PARIWISATA KOTA SURAKARTA DALAM MELAKUKAN PERLINDUNGAN, PEMELIHARAAN DAN PEMANFAATAN BENDA CAGAR BUDAYA Pelestarian cagar budaya merupakan salah satu tugas ...
PERLINDUNGAN HUKUM BAGI NASABAH PADA LEMBAGA PERBANKANBanking institution is an institution that is depentdent upon the trust of the public, without the trust of public, of a bank will not be able to run its businessproperly. Banking institution must maintain the trust of the public by ...
The part of finance institution (creditor) in this matter will not conduct executorial action of which is conducted by the finance institution (creditor) keep considering on the legal regulation and does not violate any valid legal regulation. By the...
However, the Witness and Victim Protection Agency always make every effort to assure the victim of a crime to get right as instructed laws.Simanjorang, Bill C. P
The conclusion is a form of protection provided Rifka Annisa Institute For Wife Victims of Domestic violence is provide assistance to victims of domestic violence and provide protection in the form of counseling to strengthen and provide security for vict...