Lemaire Founded by Christophe Lemaire in Paris, Lemaire embodies timeless Parisian style that is cosmopolitan, sophisticated and rich in influences. The collections are crafted from the finest fabrics focusing on quality and everyday wear with a neutral,
Lemaire to Go Coed in September Christophe Lemaire and Sarah-Linh Tran plan to show their spring men's and women's collections together on… By Joelle Diderich Apr 27, 2018, 1:30am FashionFashion Scoops When Margiela Met Hermès: Antwerp Museum Looks Back ...
Hints of Christophe Lemaire and Sarah- Linh Tran’s creativity found in their work spaces IN MARAIS The Lemaire headquarters blends into the Marais, a historic district in Paris SMALL TALK People at Lemaire affirm their personal beliefs about clothing and the brand’s unwavering trajectory INTERVIEW...
Shop online among the selection of Lemaire Products & Accessories for Women available on SSENSE and get Free Shipping & returns in North America. Find the right Lemaire item and order it thanks to our International Shipping.
在SSENSE 选购 Lemaire 男士 产品与配饰,订单金额超过 300 美元,即可免费配送至中国。挑选如意的Lemaire 产品,全球直邮。
Lemaire Opens New Store in Paris’ Marais The brand is moving from its historical home to a two-floor space in the same district. By Rhonda Richford Mar 17, 2023, 10:13am Fashion Fashion Show Reviews Lemaire RTW Fall 2023 Realistic wardrobe options made texturally intriguing were par...
於HBX 立即選購女裝Lemaire商品。免費送貨。30天退貨政策。從我們精挑細選的潮流時尚品牌中,選購您的服飾、鞋履、袋子、家居用品及生活產品等。立即訂閱HBX電子報,以享有首單九折優惠。立即下載HBX應用程式,以得到新貨上架消息。
寒流来袭“长洋装”保暖又优雅 Jil Sander、Lemaire极简美学好显瘦 寒流来袭,是时候拿出各种厚重衣物了,但大部分的人都习惯穿长裤御寒,一想到冬天的冷风,就让人对... 最新资讯潮流潮牌 白衬衫穿搭一点都不无聊 4款好搭配,短版、大翻领亮眼又时髦 距离暑假结束只剩下不到一个月,越来越多社会新鲜人开始加入职场,...
Lemaire could be considered, perhaps oddly, as renegade: the brand bucks the typical business model of “growth at all costs” (they’re proudly independent), navigates the pressure to conform to trends without succumbing to it (preferring instead to modify their pre-existing silhouettes sea...