This article discusses some fundamental aspects for the choice of literary readings in elementary school, using as theoretical basis the works of Yolanda Reyes (2011), Como escolher boa literatura para crianas?, and Teresa Colomer (2007), Uma cont铆nua construo de sent...
O objetivo do estudo foi investigar as representaes sociais de leitura literária por alunos do 5 ano do ensino fundamental no Colégio Pedro II. De caráter qualitativo, buscou explorar alguns pressupostos conceituais relevantes para as... JF Teixeira,R Lima 被引量: 0发表: 2020年 Mediaes ...
A EXPERINCIA DO ALUNO DO 6? ANO DO ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL II PARA A LEITURA DO TEXTO LITERRIOThe literary text is an inexhaustible source of aesthetic experience. To improve the pleasure of reading, and the training of competent reader, we need to enhance the way o...
EccoS – Revista CientíficaTASSONI, Elvira Cristina Martins. A leitura e a escrita nos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental: a pratica docente a partir da voz dos alunos. In: EccoS - Rev. Cient., Sao Paulo, n. 27, p. 191-209, jan./abr. 2012....
Leitura de contos no ensino fundamental: a contribuio da Teoria Literária nesse processoWe propose, through a literature review and considerations of praxis developed in the classroom, investigate how literary theory contributes to the reading practices of short stories in elementary school. The aim ...
Letramento digital no ensino fundamental II: estratégias de leitura e escrita com o uso do hipertextoAccess to new information and communication technologies, especially the internet, is now a tool that contributes to the development of reading and writing. With the introduction of digital culture ...
Compreensao de leitura em alunos de setima e oitava series do ensino fundamental. ABRAPEE, 11(1), 41-49.Oliveira, K. L., Boruchovitch, E., & Santos, A. A. A. (2007). Compreensao de leitura em alunos de se- tima e oitava series do ensino fundamental. Psi- cologia Escolar e...
LEARNINGSOCIAL valuesTWENTY-first centuryPRIMARY educationTWENTIETH centuryThis article analyzes the process of learning to read and write in the 1st cycle of primary education, in a political context of demands on schools to fulfill their commitment to making students...
developing the project in order to contribute as much as possible with the aim of analyzing the dynamics and reading proposals used by the teachers of the 4th grade at Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental Irm Gabriela in the city of Redeno-Par谩 and proposing...
(2001). Algumas estrategias de compreensao em leitura de alunos do ensino fundamental. Psicologia Escolar e Educacional, 5(1), 19-25.Boruchovitch E. Algumas estratégias de compreensão em leitura de alunos do Ensino Fundamental. Psicol Esc Educ. 2001;5(1):19-25....