90mm f/4 Elmar 徕卡代码-ILNOO 11 631 - 11 830 rigid, later 11 131 - 11 130 rigid LLC - 168生产年代-1954-1968年产量<79,605镜片版本-带有或不带有“眼睛”的可折叠和调焦环版本;滚花扇形对焦环(SFK)镜头卡口-徕卡M型卡口和螺纹兼容性-切勿在数码Leica-M上使用。镜头后屁股可能会损坏传感器。镜...
Summaron f= 3.5 cm 1:3.5 徕卡代码-SOONC,SOONC-M 11105(1954),SOONC-MW 11107(1956),SOONC-MT 11305(1958),SOMWO LLC -151生产年代-1946-1960年螺纹; 1956-1960年的L39和M型卡口;产量:小于122021版本-A36和E39;英尺或公制刻度;眼镜版或不带眼镜版的M口,以及不带眼镜的螺口。卡口-...
Leica M/R/SM SerialnumbersStart - End: Production year 156 001-195 000: 1933 195 001-236 000: 1934 236 001-284 600: 1935 284 601-345 000: 1936 345 001-416 500: 1937 416 501-490 000: 1938 490 001-538 500: 1939 538 501-565 000: 1940 565 001-582 294: 1941 582 295-593 000...
Year Serial Numbers Lenses Made That Year 1931 100 000 - 135 000 29 576 1932 135 001 - 156 000 18 394 1933 156 001 - 195 000 39 384 1934 195 001 - 236 000 40 948 1935 236 001 - 284 600 48 234 1936 284 601 - 345 000 60 384 1937 345 001 - 416 500 71 495 1938...
5.镜头序列号和生产年代: Leica M/R/SM SerialnumbersStart - End: Production year 156 001-195 000: 1933195 001-236 000: 1934236 001-284 600: 1935284 601-345 000: 1936345 001-416 500: 1937416 501-490 000: 1938490 001-538 500: 1939538 501-565 000: 1940565 001-582 294: 1941582 ...
f / 2-f / 12.5最近对焦距离:1 m光圈叶片:6叶片/ 10叶片视角对角线:45度过滤器类型:A36配件:遮光罩 SOOMP, 取景器VIDOM,VIOOH,SBOOI 12015材料:镍或镀铬黄铜尺寸(长x直径)-重量:205克/7.23盎司铭牌:-Summar f=5cm 1:2 No1xxxxx Summar f= 5 cm 1:2 Serial Numbers ...
5.02 x 2.01 in重量:440-555克/0.97-1.22磅铭牌:Hektor f = 13.5cm 1:4.5 Nr.1xxxxxx-Ernst Leitz GmbH Wetzlar Hektor f= 13.5 cm 1:4.5 Serial NumbersSerial numbers compiled from known lenses and Puts Pocket Pod.pdf* Lens 1659348 is Bundeseigentum for Visoflex Navigation menu ...
Summicron (II) f= 9 cm 1:2 Serial Numbers Serial numbers compiled from known lenses *Lens nos. 1745260 & 1745738 are 2/35 Summicron^ Visoflex 9 cm 1:2 Summicron are in this batch" Lens 2544666 in R-batch has M-bayone...
“lifetime investment in perfect photography”, and they had no idea how pre-sentient this would become for the M3. Many Leica M3s sold today on the second-hand market (which you can get for reasonable amounts unless you go for models with extremely rare serial numbers or the rarer black...
1963-1975,122m/1000m (7.0º), 580g. Articlestop Leica Compendium Review01 October 2011 LEICA Filters08 January 2011 The LEICAMETER03 November 2010 LEICA Viewfinder Magnifications05 December 2009 Leica Lens Dates and Serial Numbers04 November 2009 ...