Global manufacturer of high-end cameras and lenses, observation, and fine mechanical instruments and high-tech devices of the best standards in imaging quality.
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Paul Klee Zentrum Bern Leica Summit 26 02/05/2026 - 02/05/2026 Paul Klee Zentrum Bern 探索詳情 徠卡專賣店與經銷商 搜索徠卡專賣店與經銷商: Loading... 徠卡新聞 通過徠卡新聞與徠卡世界保持互聯: 您的電子郵箱 Continue your subscription to the Leica Camera newsletter ...
Global manufacturer of high-end cameras and lenses, observation, and fine mechanical instruments and high-tech devices of the best standards in imaging quality.
Global manufacturer of high-end cameras and lenses, observation, and fine mechanical instruments and high-tech devices of the best standards in imaging quality.
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最初的Wetzlar版本Typ 246 Monochrom非常受欢迎-如此之多,以至于Leica决定续集。从技术角度来看,Leitz Wetzlar M10 Monochrom与标准M10版本相同,具有40兆像素的黑白传感器,几乎听不见的快门和无徽标的机身。不同之处在于相匹配的Summilux-M 35 mm f / 1.4 ASPH镜头的顶
Explore Leica Microsystems' Microscopy and Scientific Instruments. From stereo to digital microscopy and super-resolution, as well as medical solutions, our users can be found in many fields.
恩斯特·莱茨(Ernst Leitz)于1869年接管了150年前的徕卡公司。为了庆祝这一成功,徕卡公司创建了“ Leitz Wetzlar” M Monochrom相机。与其他Typ 246型号一样,它具有一个24兆像素的全画幅传感器,可以探测所有与颜色相关的组件,并拍摄非常细致,对比鲜明的黑白照片。此