Long-range hunters have the information they need for accurate shots with the Leica 7x24 Rangemaster CRF 3500.COM Laser Rangefinder. The device connects via Bluetooth to the Leica Hunting app on your phone or Apple watch to upload the ballistic profile of your ammo, and takes range, angle, ...
The Leica Rangemaster CRF 2800 .COM Rangefinder is an ideal choice for forms of hunter - from the tree stand archer to the long range marksman. The 2800 .COM has the features and the compatibility to assist you in making the perfect shot, every time. ...
Le prix le plus bas pourLeica 7x42 Rangemaster CRF 3500.COM Roof Prism Laser Rangefinder, 3500 yd Rangeest de1 299,00 €. C'est actuellement l'offre la moins chère. Comparer: Leica Jumelles et Télescopes Leica Longues-vues Fonctionnalités ...