Scribano, E. 2003. ‘False enemies: Malebranche, Leibniz, and the best of all possible worlds’,Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy, vol. I, pp. 165–82. Strickland, L. 2006.Leibniz reinterpreted. London: Continu...
Nothing is more foreign to Leibniz than a "geometrical mechanism" which reduces the essence of bodies to their extension and reduces all of their activity to purely mechanical contact like friction and impact. Leibniz' dislike of Descartes' style of thought has its foundation, however, in a ...
Discover the Top 90 Gottfried Leibniz Quotes, as voted by QuoteFancy readers. Updated February 2025. Download free, high-quality (4K) pictures and wallpapers featuring the best Gottfried Leibniz Quotes.
这种深刻的「自然的数学观」比美于 Galileo(1564~1642)的名言:「自然之书是用数学语言来书写的」。据此,Leibniz 提倡世界的先定和谐论 (pre-estabilished harmony),并且论证这个世界是所有可能世界中最好的一个 (the best of all possible worlds),这是极值问题的一个应用。Einstein(1879~1955)说: 渴望窥探这...
Rutherford, D. 1992. ‘Leibniz’s Principle of Intelligibility’, History of Philosophy Quarterly, 9, 1, pp. 35–49. Scribano, E. 2003. ‘False enemies: Malebranche, Leibniz, and the best of all possible worlds’, Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy, vol. I, pp. 165–82. ...
Leibniz proposed a unique perspective that reconciles divine omnipotence with human freedom. He argued that God, being infinitely good and wise, created the best of all possible worlds. In this world, every event is predetermined by God's divine plan, yet human beings possess a kind of freedom...
Leibniz's (1646–1716) contention that we live in "the best of all possible worlds" is the thesis that we inhabit a harmoniously ordered universe. However, despite Leibniz's numerous remarks on the matter, no consensus exists on what exactly universal harmony entails. This e-book examines ...
German philosopher and mathematician. He invented differential and integral calculus independently of Newton and proposed an optimist metaphysical theory that included the notion that we live in "the best of all possible worlds." American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. ...
據此,Leibniz 提倡世界的先定和諧論 (pre-estabilished harmony),並且論證這個世界是所有可能世界中最好的一個 (the best of all possible worlds),這是極值問題的一個應用。Einstein(18791955)說: 渴望窺探這個先定和諧的自然結構,是科學家不竭的毅力與恆心的泉源。 Leibniz 更有一顆敏銳的妙悟靈心,他早年就對...
in which he invented differential and integralcalculusindependently ofSir Isaac Newton. Inphilosophy, Leibniz is known for his contributions on a wide range of subjects, including “optimism”—the idea that the current world is the best of all possible worlds, and was created by a freely thinkin...