Le Leibniz Institute DSMZ,souchothèque allemande de micro-organismes et de cultures cellulaires GmbH, l’une des souchothèques de micro-organismes et de cultures cellulaires les plus diverses au monde, comprend notamment des champignons, des phages, des virus de plantes, de l’ADN génomiqu...
03.12.2024 Better response to infectious diseases and pandemics through data 02.12.2024 Double award: Bioinformatician from the Leibniz Institute DSMZ is once again one of the most cited researchers in the world 02.12.2024 Doppelte Auszeichnung: Bioinformatiker des Leibniz-Instituts DSMZ gehört erne...
Time frame: 1 November 2023 - 31 October 2024 Profile The positions in the table below reflect the Leibniz Association's position overall, domestically, within their sector, and in various subject areas based on their Share. Each position links to the corresponding table where Leibniz Association ...
Profile The positions in the table below reflect the Leibniz Association's position overall, domestically, within their sector, and in various subject areas based on their Share. Each position links to the corresponding table where Leibniz Association is listed. ...
Die Leibniz-Institut DSMZ– Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH, ist eine der weltweit vielfältigsten Sammlungen von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen, darunter Pilze, Bakteriophagen, Pflanzenviren, genomische Bakterien-DNA sowie menschliche und tierische Zelllinien. Aber sie...
“Desempenhamos um papel crucial para milhares de organizações em todo o mundo que servem doentes, desenvolvem produtos ou realizam investigação”, explica Dunja Martin, Diretora de Gestão de Conformidade do DSMZ. “Os nossos processos logísticos eram complexos, não totalmente ...
El Instituto Leibniz DSMZ: Colección Alemana de Microorganismos y Cultivos Celulares GmbH, es una de las colecciones más diversas del mundo de los microorganismos y cultivos celulares, que incluye hongos, fagos, virus vegetales, ADN bacteriano genómico, líneas celulares humanas y animales, y ...