The L4 nerve root is less commonly the cause of tingling in feet and legs and, when it does, it is a real problem. In my experience it responds less well to manipulation, and better toflexion-distraction. It shares slips with both the sciatic and the femoral nerves. The knee jerk refle...
Well, I’ve never been to medical school, but I heard this way before it was on Grey’s Anatomy, so it must be an established maxim: “When you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras.” In case it isn’t obvious, this saying means that symptoms are most likely caused by a common...
You see, many many years ago, when I was starting my career in Paris, I rented a room from another business school student called Géraldine, who was going to spend the semester in Grenoble. Géraldine and the other housemate Rebecca had a prior agreement with a cleaning lady whom Géraldine...
Feet starting to tingle? Bend your knees and slide the outer edges of your feet down the wall, so you bring your heels close to your pelvis. How to prepare for Legs Up The Wall Pose Viparita Karani is usually considered a restorative pose, sequenced near the end of practice. However, V...