If you experience heavy legs from time to time, standing on your feet all day and travelling by air may trigger the sensation. No matter when the feeling hits, you will be able to identify the predicament – tightness, discomfort, and the desire more than anything else to lie down and ma...
“I’m a southern belle born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama,” she begins, “it’s a bit like a movie scene filled with lightning bugs, Spanish moss, and trees so old they look like they could talk. I love the way I feel when I’m home— I feel warm, free, and completely ...
And once they were tense, even with the weight, they didn’t want to relax. I sometimes felt a near panic that I needed to move and couldn’t hold still against the barrage of sound any longer. When I swallowed, sometimes they were giant, anxious swallows. Jeff kept me updated: “T...
. There the wall is not as prone to waves coming over, except when it is prone to it, and those particular waves that come over it, will not merely wet you, they could kill you. Its not just a wave that hits the wall and pours over the top, this is a whole body of sea that ...
HowStand with feet pointing straight forward and shoulder width apart. Bend one leg behind so it forms a 90-degree right angle and raise up on the toes of the other foot (hold on to the back of a chair for balance if needed, but keep body weight on engaged foot). Hold in raised po...
I'd been raised as a spiritual kid. I'd always gone to church and believed in prayer and God's healing power. I was so into Jesus that when we had dinner, I'd smile, thinking of Him with us there at the table, sitting in our empty chair while we ate. I prayed for arms and ...
I stepped in to provide a translation of mouse orsourisin Italian. Still only half the room raised their hand to say that they tasted mouse. Half?! And let me tell you, this was a mouse bomb! On the nose, the palate and the finish. In some mousey wines, as you may know, you on...
S1e). The apical edge of the femur right above the “membraneous plate” is raised in the form of a ledge covered with a row of about 30 thick and short spines (Fig. 1b, c and Supplementary Fig. S1d). The tibial part of the joint is represented by the proximal part of the ...
A filter element (10), to fit into a filter housing, is a zigzag folded pack (12) with a frame strip (14). A closure (18) is at least at one end side (16) parallel to the folds, as a stiffener and as a seal against the wall of the holder. The closure has three legs (20...
I was going along with my life with one foot in the system to give me respectability while the other foot was in a place where I was asking questions and reading these books, discussing something other than what I’d been raised to believe. I felt I could not really follow the dictates...