禁止携带榴莲、山竹进入酒店。 2024年1月1日起,外籍游客需要提前3天填报Malaysia Digital Arrival Card (MDAC)。 入离时间 入住时间: 16:00后 退房时间: 11:00前 接待提示 年龄限制 入住办理人需年满18岁 入住提示 提前联系 入住当天,酒店需要您额外提供身份证明以办理入住 ...
马来西亚乐高乐园度假村 (The Legoland Malaysia Resort) 5等级(最高为5等级) 7, Jalan Legoland, Medini, Nusajaya, 格浪帕塔/乐高乐园, 新山, 马来西亚, 79250 - 查看地图 入住马来西亚乐高乐园度假村,这是该国首座国际主题乐园。享受8个主题区域、40多个互动游乐设施、一个以乐高为主题的虚拟现实过山车、附近...
在LEGOLAND Malaysia Resort,每个宝贝都是超级英雄! LEGOLAND Malaysia Resort位于马来西亚新山依斯干达特区,是亚洲第一个乐高乐园,园区分为乐高主题乐园和水上公园2个部分,是亲子游必去之地。 你够勇敢吗 世界首创 乐高虚拟实境过山车 系好你的安全带 出发吧! ↓↓↓ VR过山车,让你大饱眼福 童心未泯的人一定要去一...
There is some great Lego theming around the Legoland Malaysia Resort Hotel which makes for lots of fun for Lego fans. Just taking the elevator is an experience! The first thing we noticed when we arrived was the big lego buildings in the reception area. This was a castle and a ship. Su...
D4 Legoland Malaysia Hotel 住过的亲子酒店中性价比之最,遍布乐高元素,房间适合两大三小,藏宝图通关后保险箱里附赠两小包乐高玩具,还有每间房间标配的乐高积木,这些只需¥900多一晚房价,是上海迪士尼的1/5 ...
47402020-04-10 12:31:44 klm8512发消息
Flexible booking options on selected hotels. Compare 747 hotels near LEGOLAND® Malaysia using 2,666 real guest reviews.
While LEGOLAND Resort in Denmark was the first park to open, there are now several other resorts located around the world, including in California, Florida, and Malaysia. Each resort has its own unique features and attractions, but LEGOLAND Billund is considered by many to be the original and...
Can I stay at Legoland Malaysia? Yes, there is accommodation available at LEGOLAND Malaysia. The resort features a hotel known as the LEGOLAND® Hotel, providing guests with the opportunity to stay right on the premises. The hotel is designed with a LEGO-themed experience, offering various ...