70613 Item Retired Product Building Instructions Help Lloyd protect civilian Pat from attack by Garma Mecha Man with this awesome THE LEGO® NINJAGO® MOVIE™ set. This huge and highly posable mech features an opening minifigure cockpit for Garmadon, spring-loaded shark blaster, ammo belt and...
加玛机械人-乐高忍者电影 - 70613 - 产品动画(Garma Mecha Man - LEGO NINJAGO Movie - 70613 - Product Animation) 资源编号 :39773351 格式:mp4 文件体积 :10m 时长:41秒 分辨率 :1280×720 浏览截图 MP4 10m 格式画质分辨率体积 加载中... 加载失败,点击重新加载 ...
The Hut The LEGO Ninjago Movie: Garma Mecha Man (70613)历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名The LEGO Ninjago Movie: Garma Mecha Man (70613)
The LEGO Ninjago Movie Garma Mecha Man (70613) 747 pieces | Minifigures include Lloyd, Shark Army Great White, Lord Garmadon, and Pat | Released August 2017 | Available viaAmazon LEGO Ninjago Titan Mech Battle (70737) 754 pieces | Minifigures include Zane, Jay, Samurai X (Nya), Scythe Ma...
乐高幻影忍者大电影(The LEGO Ninjago Movie)系列 - 2017年发行积木玩具大全。提供乐高幻影忍者大电影系列积木图纸说明书下载,以及乐高幻影忍者大电影系列积木图片,包含人仔、颗粒、配件信息查询。 乐高中文网站 - 乐高幻影忍者大电影玩家社区 - 零号小镇 。
70613嘉玛机甲战士 2017乐高幻影忍者大电影 747 70614雷电喷气战机 2017乐高幻影忍者大电影 876 70615烈火机甲 2017乐高幻影忍者大电影 944 70616冰坦克 2017乐高幻影忍者大电影 914 70617传说中的无敌武器神殿 2017乐高幻影忍者大电影 1403 70618幻影忍者移动基地:命运赏赐号 ...
It looks like there’s a new The LEGO Ninjago Movie set called the Garma Mecha Man (70613) that has been revealed on a Belgium toy shop. The set includes minifigures of Lloyd, Pat, Garmadon, and Great White and the build is a large mech driven by Garmadon. This set comes after some...
The LEGO Ninjago Movie Garma Mecha Man (70613)– 747 pieces/$41.99 – Reg. $59.99 The LEGO Ninjago Movie Lightning Jet (70614)– 876 pieces/$41.99 – Reg. $59.99 Best Buy LEGO DC Villains Video Game– $29.99 – Reg. $59.99 LEGO The Incredibles Video Game– $19.99 – Reg. $49.99 ...
加玛机械人-乐高忍者电影 - 70613 - 产品动画(Garma Mecha Man - LEGO NINJAGO Movie - 70613 - Product Animation) 杰斯龙-乐高忍者 - 70602 - 产品动画(Jays Dragon - LEGO Ninjago - 70602 - Product Animation) 钛忍者杯-乐高忍者 - 70588 - 产品动画(Titanium Ninja Tumbler - LEGO Ninjago - 70588 -...
忍者决战-乐高忍者电影-产品动画(Ninja Showdown - The LEGO NINJAGO MOVIE - Product Animation) 加玛登, 加玛登, 加玛登! - 乐高忍者电影 - 70656 产品动画(garmadon, Garmadon, GARMADON! - The LEGO NINJAGO MOVIE - 70656 Product Animation) 加玛机械人-乐高忍者电影 - 70613 - 产品动画(Garma Mecha Man...