Love getting imaginative with LEGO bricks? Fancy yourself as a LEGO master builder? Well, this is the place to be. Share your cool creations and creativity, enter challenges, showcase your proposals for new LEGO Ideas sets and vote for awesome models dreamt up by your fellow fan designers. ...
Take a look at familiar sets from classicfilmsandTV showsor build display models that will look great as part of a unique collection in your home or personal space. The challenging builds make these sets excellent gift ideas for13 year old teenagersandadult builderswho love to tackle more adva...
Become a LEGO designer Challenges Submit theme based creations Activity Share your creativity In the Shop Ideas that made it Join LEGO® Insiders! Be part of our membership community and get access to exclusive rewards, original content and more. Join Now...
Ideas LEGO® Indiana Jones™ Jurassic World Lord of the Rings™ Marvel Minecraft® Minifigures 悟空小俠™ 旋風忍者® Overwatch® Powered UP Sonic the Hedgehog™ Speed Champions 蜘蛛人 Star Wars™ LEGO® Super Mario™ Technic LEGO® The Legend of Zelda™ 樂高® 星期三新...
Everything you need to know about the LEGO® Ideas River Steamboat Go behind the scenes of the LEGO® Ideas River Steamboat set as we discover the process the LEGO designer went through to create this beautiful set. Read more The Best Artificial Plants from the LEGO® Botanicals Collection...
朋友们大家好,今天咱们继续分享LEGO IDEAS里的优秀作品,今天看的这件作品,相信可以成功唤醒一部分80、90后朋友的童年DNA,他就是由legotruman上传的新作:Go Go Power Rangers! Lego Megazord(前进吧!恐龙战队,乐高版超级佐德)。经常翻看ideas的朋友应该对legotruman很熟悉,他在ideas里可谓仙人级别的存在,投稿...
五颜六色千变万化,LEGO IDEAS里的魔方大厦 魔方(Rubik's cube),是很多80后小时候的经典玩具之一。那时候谁家有一个,也能算是班上的弄潮儿了。同时期好玩的玩具虽然还有不少,比如塑料弹簧、变形金刚、激光笔和电子宠物等等。但魔方自带的“益智”属性,显然更受家长们的青睐。我小时候虽然也玩了很久,但智力...
乐高LEGO 正品保障乐高(LEGO)IDEAS系列21333梵高星空油画积木礼物玩具819元什么值得买甄选出拼多多优惠促销商品,包括LEGO/乐高积木拼插报价、多少钱等信息,认真生活,好好花钱就上什么值得买。
LEGO® Ideas Sets sind durch Kreationen inspiriert, die von Fans auf die LEGO® Ideas Website hochgeladen wurden. Dort stimmen Fans darüber ab, welche Werke in die offiziellen Sets aufgenommen werden. Die LEGO® Ideas Palette bietet eine Auswahl einiger der bekanntesten und realistischsten...
Ideas[22] Powered UP[1] 迪士尼™[2] 迪士尼米奇和好友們[1] 交通工具[2] 動物[3] 太空[2] 奇幻[4] 建築[5] 火車[1] 18+ 1111 昆蟲集錦 深入瞭解 獨家限定 18+ 2082 A 字形小屋 深入瞭解 即將下架 18+ 3745 Dungeons & Dragons: Red Dragon's Tale ...