LEGO Games Wiki Top Pages this Week 2 Abilities LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker SagaCharacterAbilities JediLightsaberHeroScoundrelTargetGrappling HookAstromechProtocolImmune to Toxins NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo ScavengerBounty HunterVillainCrack WallRapid FireExplosiveShortieTranslateHover ...
Welcome to LEGO Games Wikia The wiki about LEGO Star Wars (I/II/CS/III/VII), LEGO Indiana Jones (1/2), LEGO Batman (1/2/3), LEGO Harry Potter (Years 1-4/5-7), LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean, LEGO Lord of the Rings/Hobbit, LEGO City, LEGO Marvel (Avengers), The LEGO Movie,...
LEGO Games Wiki To be added Origin Source Material To be added Toys To be added Quotes To be added Gallery References Trivia To be added External Links WebsiteArticle Community content is available underCC-BY-SAunless otherwise noted.
Games est un thème introduit en 2009 et discontinué en 2013, sur le principe de jeux de société à construire. Après avoir construit le plateau et le dé, il est possible de jouer selon les règles proposées puis, lorsque le jeu de base est maît
It has been released for all the "next-generation" consoles: PlayStation 3, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, and the Xbox 360 despite the fact that the original games were released on the previous generation consoles; and on October 13, 2009, the game was released on Windows PC and was later ...
Unlike the first two LEGO Star Wars games that had only one hub to access all films and levels, The Force Awakens follows the set up of LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars and has multiple hubs throughout the game, one for each planet featured in the film as well as the Millennium ...
This isn’t the first time theLEGO Harry Pottergames have been brought to modern consoles. Originally released during the PS2 and PS3 era, these beloved titles have stood the test of time, but fans are eager for something more. Comments on YouTube regarding its announcement trailer, have bee...
Author Albert BalanzaPosted on September 3, 2024Categories Collectible Minifigures, LEGO Exclusives, LEGO Ideas, LEGO News, LEGO Set News, Movies, TV Shows, Video GamesTags LEGO Advent Calendars, LEGO Collectible Minifigures, LEGO Harry Potter, LEGO Stores, LEGO ZeldaLeave a comment on LEGO Sept...
Welcome to LEGO Fanonpedia! This Wiki is for users to show their ideas on what they thinks should be created from things related to the LEGO Group. Ideas such as sets, video games, themes, and more will be published into articles. Just like any wiki out there, anyone can edit!
Start a Wiki AdvertisementSign In Register In a galaxy far, far away... 191,532 pages Explore Trending Star Wars Navigation Community in: Real-world articles, Articles with an excess of redlinks, 2021 computer and video games, and 4 more LEGO Star Wars: Castaways Edit Play Sound Fan...