【开箱+测评】752..之前看吧里的同好询问这套set的情况,正巧本人也入了。其实入手也有一段时间了,无奈手上还有别的set未完成,就拖到现在。由于个人时间的关系,这次分享可能要分两次才能全部完工。 第一次发帖
您是否準備好在樂高® 星際大戰 75251 Darth Vader's Castle 會見這位西斯黑暗大帝(Dark Lord of the Sith)?進入維德停放其先進型鈦戰機的機棚,找到巴克塔槽,然後潛入冥想室。維德會不會跳出來,用他的紅色光劍與您決鬥?一切由你決定…
轉貼至玩具人,樂高在推出一系列的《星際大戰外傳:韓索羅》電影主題盒組之後,這次經由The Star Wars Show公開了來自科幻史詩系列電影《星際大戰》的新作「LEGO 75251 達斯·維德的城堡」(Darth Vader’s Castle)!! 在《星際大戰三部曲:西斯大帝的復仇》的片尾,已經魔化的安納金在熔岩行星「穆斯塔法(Mustafar)」與歐比...
Darth Vader’s CastleStar Warsbuilding set measures over 16” (41cm) high, 11” (28cm) wide and 9” (23cm) deep. TIE Advanced Fighter measures over 2” (6cm) high, 4” (11cm) wide and 3” (9cm) long.
75251-1 - Darth Vader's Castle (1060 parts, 6 minifigs, $129.99, Amazon.com Exclusive) 853947-1 - Luke Skywalker Key Chain 853948-1 - Princess Leia Key Chain 853949-1 - Kylo Ren Key Chain 853950-1 - Spider Man Key Chain 911943-1 - Luke Skywalker April Wave 20th Anniversary sets ...
It's May, traditionally a time of year where the Summer Wave of new LEGO sets is revealed. We've put all known sets for the summer in a nice overview for you.
Darth Vader’s CastleStar Warsbuilding set measures over 16” (41cm) high, 11” (28cm) wide and 9” (23cm) deep. TIE Advanced Fighter measures over 2” (6cm) high, 4” (11cm) wide and 3” (9cm) long. 75251 – Darth Vader’s Castle ...
castle.Ihadalwayswantedtodoagiganticconcentriccastle,butI hadneithertheskillnorpiecestoattemptsuchabuild.Myprevious attemptswerequitecolorful;somuchsothattheircolorschemes reallydetractedfromtheoverallMOC. 26BrickJournal•Issue6,Volume1•Fall/Winter2006 AnotherviewofUlmaris SoIstartedsmall,focusingonterrainand...
MOC是乐高玩家术语中用来形容用乐高这种基础砖块(bricks)来自己创造场景,情节,实体的行为。MOC=My Own Creation。其实这里有一个很深奥的哲理在lego玩具中,用“极简”构造“繁复”:每一件“作品”它都是一块一块的标准砖不断“累加”制成的。但是就是这种一尘不变的基础“结构”搭建了一个又一个孩子的想象,让...
Are you prepared to meet the Dark Lord of the Sith at LEGO® Star Wars 75251 Darth Vader’s Castle? Enter the hangar where Vader keeps his TIE Advanced Fighter, then discover the bacta tank before sneaking into the meditation chamber. Will Vader jump o