LEGO®Star Wars™ – Captain Rex™ 頭盔 《星球大戰:複製人之戰》(Star Wars:The Clone Wars)的粉絲必定會對這款經典 LEGO® Captain Rex 頭盔的全新顆粒模型愛不釋手。 拼砌逼真的細節,包括藍白相間的軍械庫和側面的計數符號,重現辨識度極高的第 501 旅複製人指揮官的頭盔,並...
Kids take a starring role in their own epic stories with the first-ever LEGO® brick-built toy model of Captain Rex’s Y-wing. Easy to build This miniature version of an iconic starship is quick to build so theStar Wars: The Clone Wars™ action starts fast. ...
75147 星球拾荒者(Star Scavenger),49.99美元 75148 贾库遭遇战(EncounteronJakku),59.99美元 75149 抵抗组织X翼战机(Resistancex-wingfighter),79.99美元 75150 达斯·维达的TIE(DarthVader’sTIEAdvanced),89.99美元 75151 克隆人涡轮坦克(CloneTurboTank),109.99美元 75157 雷克斯上尉的AT-TE(CaptainRex’sAT-TEWalker)...
在《星際大戰》的世界觀裡,「501軍團」是在複製人戰爭時期隸屬於「安納金·天行者」麾下的一支複製人部隊,驍勇善戰,對於常常不按牌理出牌、進行冒險作戰的安納金,501軍團裡的複製人士兵也總能完美配合並達成任務,而擔任安納金副手的複製人士兵編號為 CT-7567,也就是粉絲們超愛的雷克斯上尉(Captain Rex)!而在後來的...
Build the first-ever LEGO® brick model of Captain Rex’s Y-wing and lead your own epic Star Wars: The Clone Wars adventures. Jump into the Y-wing’s cockpit and take off. Fend off enemy attacks with the Y-wing’s shooters and Captain Rex’s blaster pistols. As the Captain himself...
R2-D2 (Clone Wars) BW-1 Yoda (Clone Wars) BW-2 Padmé Amidala BW-3 Anakin Skywalker BW-4 Captain Rex BW-5 Plo Koon BW-6 Aayla Secura BW-7 Obi-Wan Kenobi (Clone Wars) BW-8 Ahsoka Tano BW-9 Kit Fisto (Clone Wars) BW-10 ...
LEGO Star Wars: The Clone Wars Captain Rex Y-Wing Microfighter Building Set, Collectible Star Wars Y-Wing Toy for Kids with Captain Rex Minifigure, Star Wars Gift for Boys & Girls Ages 6 and Up, 75391 100+ bought since yesterday
This UCS release was released in October to celebrate the Clone Wars series’ 20th anniversary, in fact – and comes complete with minifigures for two key characters: Captain Rex and Admiral Yularen. For thousands of die-hard Clone Wars fans, this one is a dream come true for their colle...
LEGO Star Wars: The Clone Wars Captain Rex Y-Wing Microfighter Building Set, Collectible Star Wars Y-Wing Toy for Kids with Captain Rex Minifigure, Star Wars Gift for Boys & Girls Ages 6 and Up, 75391 In 100+ people's carts $1298 ...
75230|LEGO® Star Wars™ Porg™ 檢視套裝 75059|LEGO® Star Wars™ Sandcrawler™ 檢視套裝 75349|LEGO® Star Wars™ Captain Rex™ Helmet 檢視套裝 75323|LEGO® Star Wars™ The Justifier™ 檢視套裝 75396|LEGO® Star Wars™ ...