《乐高我的城市2》是一款有趣的乐高沙盒手游,英文名《LEGO® City game》。游戏中玩家可以体验LEGO® City的乐趣,并反败为胜!探索街头、天空或海洋,创建酷炫交通工具以完成无畏的任务,让你的想象力自由驰骋。用你的绝妙创造物来灭火、捉拿恶棍,并探索诸如火山的危险环境。完成英勇的挑战,赢得全新交通工具组件和...
《LEGO City game》是一款由乐高集团推出的休闲手机游戏,玩家将在乐高的城市里面展开一场场别开生面的战斗,多样的游戏玩法,飞翔的思维创造力将帮你建造出一座属于自己的城市。 版本记录 2021-01-22版本: 48.211.803 修复一些小问题,优化用户体验。 应用信息权限管理须知 ...
LEGO City游戏下载分享给大家。有趣的休闲娱乐游戏,维持乐高系列一贯的创作风格。开车抓犯人,建造自己理想的城市,游戏质量非常高,但是并没有什么深度的玩法。比较适合小朋友们! 【游戏背景】 体验LEGO®City的乐趣,并反败为胜! 探索街头、天空或海洋,创建酷炫交通工具以完成无畏的任务,让你的想象力自由驰骋。 用...
LEGO My City 2是一款充满趣味的开放世界冒险游戏,玩家可以驾驶各种不同的载具来完成挑战,并参与城市的搭配和建设,打造属于自己的乐高城市。在这个游戏中,你可以通过探索和搜寻,升级并赢得全新交通工具组件和乐高砖块部件,根据自己的想象创建和改进交通工具,并在乐高世界中进行测试。每种载具都需要玩家自己去发现,同时还...
LEGO® City My City 2游戏简介 The City police force has set up a new HQ in the mountains. Test out their new vehicles and catch crooks with the Net Shooter!BE A CREATIVE LEGO® CITY HERO!LEGO® City is a creative mission-based game for brave 6-8-year-old everyday heroes. Build...
Build your favorite LEGO® Fortnite® items and recreate iconic scenes from the game. Shop now Press play on your favorite universe You choose where your next adventure is headed when you build LEGO® sets from your favorite gaming franchises. Build new worlds and new stories, visit ol...
HK$698.00HK$209.40+ Games includedLEGO® 2K Drive for Xbox Series X|SLEGO® 2K Drive for Xbox One Add-ons includedAquadirt Racer PackLEGO® 2K Drive Awesome Bonus PackLEGO® 2K Drive Awesome Rivals Bonus PackAwesome Pizza VehicleLEGO® 2K Drive Year 1 Drive Pass GO TO GAMEIncluded...
Guide LEGO City My City 2 Game游戏简介 This is an unofficial LEGO City My City 2 walkthrough, tips & tricks, game guide, secrets, hints, and more about LEGO City My City 2 game on Android and iOS. If you are a real fan of this game, you should not miss this app! Learn how to...
In LEGO® CITY Undercover, play as Chase McCain, a police officer who's been tasked with going undercover to hunt down the notorious – and recently escaped – criminal Rex Fury and putting an end to his city-wide crime wave. With two-player co-op, friends can explore the sprawling ...
In LEGO® CITY Undercover, play as Chase McCain, a police officer who's been tasked with going undercover to hunt down the notorious — and recently escaped — criminal Rex Fury and putting an end to his city-wide crime wave. With two player co-op, friends can explore the sprawling ...