traditions, ourgiftsets are the perfect way to start the Chinese New Year. Find gifts forboys,girlsandadultsalike. With builds perfect as display sets and Chinese New Yeardecorations, as well as engaging play, there's something for everyone. This year’s animal of the Chinese zodiac is the...
traditions, ourgiftsets are the perfect way to start the Chinese New Year. Find gifts forboys,girlsandadultsalike. With builds perfect as display sets and Chinese New Yeardecorations, as well as engaging play, there's something for everyone. This year’s animal of the Chinese zodiac is the...
新年快乐!为了庆祝新的一年,我用乐高积木制作了这部关于新春年夜饭的定格动画短片,希望你们喜欢! 作为一年之中最重要的一顿晚餐,希望大家都能和父母、亲朋好友团聚一起,享受其乐融融的过年气氛。不要忘了要红包哦! 我用的乐高积木:LEGO 80101 'Chinese New Year's Eve Dinner' 我的微博:Willinova...
新年快乐!为了庆祝新的一年,我用乐高积木制作了这部关于新春年夜饭的定格动画短片,希望你们喜欢! 作为一年之中最重要的一顿晚餐,希望大家都能和父母、亲朋好友团聚一起,享受其乐融融的过年气氛。不要忘了要红包哦! 我用的乐高积木:LEGO 80101 'Chinese New Year's Eve Dinner' 我的微博:Willinova 展开更多 欢乐...
Ona crisp winter day, we embarked on a groundbreaking journey into the world of LEGO® at the first-ever LEGO® Chinese New Year Pop-Up Exhibition in China! With 30 enthusiastic participants, ourevent marked a hi...
LEGO 8010中国风春节限定 年夜饭,表现了春节热闹年夜饭场景。细节设计的也意思,除夕夜的大鱼大肉、红包压岁钱、春节门外的大红灯笼、春联、春花、电视里放春晚、猪年窗花。都有生动的刻画,个人认为比舞龙那套更具有“年味”。, 视频播放量 1996、弹幕量 1、点赞数 10、投
过年啦!今天正逢大年三十,小伙伴们有没有正在吃年夜饭呢?虽然现在什么吃的喝的平日都有,但年夜饭依然是过年里最重要的仪式啊。 新年伊始乐高推出了两套亚洲限定版的套装,分别是80101年夜饭和80102舞龙。一经…
仅在中国和部分亚太国家限定发售的盒组「LEGO 80101 中国新年年夜饭」(Chinese New Year's Eve Dinner)和「LEGO 80102 舞龙」(Dragon Dance)终于公开了较为清晰的官图!预计将于2019年1月发售!!这两款拥有浓厚中国风的盒组相信是近期许多玩家关注的目标,玩具人们应该也跟小编一样都在苦苦等待官图释出吧~虽然质...
LEGO乐高最新资讯-亚洲特别款Chinese New Year’s Eve Dinner (80101) LEGO乐高公司这次专门为中国春节发行两个特别款,只在亚洲发行,设计的还是非常有特色的,绝对值得收藏。
The second Chinese New Year set for 2022, 80109 Lunar New Year Ice Festival contains 1519 pieces, 13 minifigures and costs €99.99/ US$119.99/ £89.99. The age mark is 8+. While it releases alongside80108 Lunar New Year Traditions, which I have already reviewed, It’s probably more at...