71000-0: LEGO Minifigures Series 9 (Random bag) 71000-1: Waiter 71000-2: Cyclops 71000-3: Hollywood Starlet 71000-4: Heroic Knight 71000-5: Roman Emperor 71000-6: Policeman 71000-7: Chicken Suit Guy 71000-8: Roller Derby Girl 71000-9: Fortune Teller 71000-10: Judge 71000-11: Alien ...
拥有标志性英雄,如Hot Dog Man, Chicken Suit Guy,Redbeard船长,Willa the Witch, Red Spaceman等等! 训练你的英雄解锁超棒的技能,带领你的团队取得胜利! 建立真实的系列并揭开他们的秘密能力 从乐高城市,乐高城堡,乐高忍者,乐高海盗和乐高太空中重新发现乐高历史中的角色,还有更多未来!
组装标志性的迷你英雄团队,为充满动作的RPG战斗做好准备,重新发现乐高独特的世界。 从深空到公海,一砖一瓦地建造您心爱的团队! 乐高遗产手游特色 体验新的乐高冒险 沉浸在一个全新的乐高世界中,踏上充满冒险和乐高诙谐幽默的旅程! 收集并加强你的英雄 拥有标志性英雄,如Hot Dog Man,Chicken Suit Guy,Red...
Fox suit girl with chicken as an accessory 右手提着包袱 左手边有一只鸡 整体形象有毛绒公仔的感觉 人仔15 彩虹熊 Rainbow Panda 看起来像一只玩偶熊 具有乐高电影系列熊猫的特点 颜色是新配色,手持印花彩虹 十分可爱 人仔16 骑自行车的男孩 人仔配备的自行车车体很大 不知道能不能摆造型 亮点! 据国外网友透露...
the friendly Hiker and the powerful Chicken Suit Guy – all who bring their own unique skill set to help overcome challenges. Will players team up with Basil the Batlord, the chilly Commander Cold, the upbeat Fitness Instructor, or will they turn to other minifigures new and old as they ...
拥有标志性英雄,如HotDogMan,ChickenSuitGuy,Redbeard船长,WillatheWitch,RedSpaceman等等! 训练你的英雄解锁超棒的技能,带领你的团队取得胜利! 在创意和战略RPG战斗中战斗 创建乐高梦想的迷你英雄团队,战略性地对抗那些不会放弃的杀戮者! 您可以组装大量可能的团队组合!
The Iconic Cave set follows the tradition of other similar re-bundled CMF promotionals like the Gingerbread Man and Chicken Suit Guy. We’re not sure yet if the Iconic Cave will find its way in the US and other countries, considering that we already know what’s in store for the month ...
Emmet Brickowski: Chicken wings! I love chicken wings! Construction Worker #2: Yeah, who wants to share a croissant with this guy? Emmet Brickowski: Croissant! I love croissant! Construction Worker #3: Oh, yeah! I sure do love giant sausages! Touch the Piece[] Emmet: Giant sausage...
There are reports of the LEGO Movie mini figs being spotted at Targets. I have seen any but my Target does have two boxes of series nine minifigs. I still need a chicken suit guy. But I wasn’t fighting the crowds for one fig they didn’t have the items I needed to finish my Chr...
分享回复赞 模玩小剧场吧 dusami 【搬运自LEGO吧】小故事-KFC Chicken Suit Guy (下)事情是这样的:早在四月中的时候,LEGO盒子 @ZXZOZXZ发布过一款很不错的第三方人仔,还联合贴吧整了一个猜故事的活动。这么有趣的活动某当然也参与了一下,不过光是文字表达,总觉得有点意犹未尽的意思,于是借着这次的机会,尝试...