Buy Lego 2K Drive on PlayStation Store. Race across the streets, seas and sands as you build your dream rides, brick by brick.
Buy Lego 2K Drive on PlayStation Store. Race across the streets, seas and sands as you build your dream rides, brick by brick.
In LEGO 2K Drive, players choose how they want to play, with a wide open world to explore full of racing, minigames, challenges, collectibles, things to destroy, and well-known vehicles from LEGO themes like City, Creator, Speed Champions and more.● High-Octane LEGO Racing: Racing in ...
LEGO 2K Drive is big, bold, and beautiful, and some of the later races are truly superb. God is a Geek 張貼者:Chris White 7.5 / 10 LEGO 2K Drive has some impressive features, and while the competitive elements could do with a little work, there's still fun to be had. ...
關於LEGO® 2K Drive 產品深入瞭解 Play 歡迎來到大型開放世界樂高® 駕駛冒險的發源地:Bricklandia。你的超讚變形交通工具讓你探索 Bricklandia、參加賽事、完成任務與拼砌新交通工具,穿越街道、越野地形和水域! 終極樂高® 駕駛體驗 坐上駕駛座,準備好展開無數開放世界探索與刺激的賽事!Bricklandia 是一個龐大...
OnceLEGO 2K Drive-RUNEFree Download is done downloading, right click the .zip (or .rar / .iso) file and click on ‘Extract toLEGO 2K Drive-RUNE’. (To do this you will need the free program calledWinRAR) Double click on theLEGO 2K Drive-RUNEfolder and run the exe application. ...
If there is not enough free space available, you can delete unnecessary software or insert a microSD card with enough space. Downloadable Content 10 items in total LEGO® 2K Drive Premium Drive Pass Season 1 $16.95 LEGO® 2K Drive Premium Drive Pass Season 2 ...
OnceLEGO 2K Drive-RUNEFree Download is done downloading, right click the .zip (or .rar / .iso) file and click on ‘Extract toLEGO 2K Drive-RUNE’. (To do this you will need the free program calledWinRAR) Double click on theLEGO 2K Drive-RUNEfolder and run the exe application. ...
乐高2K竞速是一款十分精彩而有趣的赛车竞速游戏,将乐高系列独有的积木风格带入到卡丁车竞速中,你可以通过高度自由的DIY方式升级改造自己的车辆,并不断尝试对抗强大的敌人赢得最后的胜利,体验丰富多彩的冒险。 游戏亮点 欢迎来到 Bricklandia,这里是大型开放世界 LEGO® 驾驶冒险的故乡 ...
Downloadable content (DLC)See all LEGO® 2K Drive Year 1 Drive Pass 5/19/23 DLC bundle Regular Price:$39.99 Nintendo Switch LEGO® 2K Drive Premium Drive Pass Season 1 6/28/23 DLC Regular Price:$9.99 Nintendo Switch LEGO® 2K Drive Premium Drive Pass Season 2 9/13/23 DLC Regular...